Year 1/2 Term 3 Overview
Year 1/2: Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3. We hope you enjoyed a well deserved break with your families. We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey together.
Religious Education
In Religious Education our focus for this term is Journey. We will continue developing the students' understanding of belonging to the Church and and wider community, through Bible stories. This will include looking at important families in the bible and their life journeys. We shall be visiting the Church and exploring how we all belong to the Parish family.
In Reading, we will continue to work on developing fluency and expression when reading aloud, with a focus in reading groups, on the following comprehension strategies:
- Comparing and contrasting
- Dialogue in context
- Analysing the importance of descriptive language in texts
In Writing, we will be exploring and creating entertaining texts, such as narratives. Students will examine the features of each text type, analyse texts and use their knowledge to create written texts of their own.
In Maths we will continue our professional development with Monash University (EMC3- Exploring Mathematical Challenges) where we meet and plan with Maths Leaders to provide a challenging and extensive maths program.
Our topics will include
Time - Telling time on analogue and digital clocks using the language of o’clock, half past and quarter past and quarter to. Describing duration using months, weeks, days and hours and seasons of the year.
Counting patterns and place value - being able to read, write, rename and deconstruct numbers beyond 100 and skip count from non zero points.
Mass - Compare masses of objects using informal uniform units and balance scales.
What responsibilities do we have?
In Inquiry we shall be investigating our own family history and journeys, including creating a family tree. We shall also be looking at the history of the school as we celebrate 150 years of the school being open, we will be exploring what it may have been like 150 years ago when the school first opened and comparing this to today. We will also be looking at the history of the Parish and connecting it with the house colours that the students belong to today.
Social and Emotional Learning
In Social and Emotional Learning we will be exploring relationships and diversity. This will include examining social skills, body language and how to manage different situations.
Specialist Subjects
Students will have specialist classes towards the end of the week (please see timetable below). They will be required to wear their sport uniforms on Wednesday and Friday. We will visit the Library every Tuesday and borrow different books for Home Reading.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Library | PE ICT STEM and Art (KR)
| Italian Performing Arts SEL | Sport Art (AB) |
Students will be going to swimming lessons each day for Week 3 and 4. Could you please remember to pack a towel, thongs, goggles and change of underwear in a separate bag. We will put our thongs on at school before getting on the bus to go to the lesson.
Please ensure that your child is able to dry themselves and dress themselves, prior to commencing our swimming lessons.
Home Learning
- Reading - Daily reading and recording in their reading records.
- Spelling - Practice reading and writing the spelling sound for the week using the suggested activity
- Mathletics - Tasks will be set in Mathletics relating to classroom topics to consolidate learning. It is not expected that students would complete all tasks in one sitting.
General reminders
If you would like to volunteer as a parent helper and have completed the induction process with Melinda, please let us know. We would also like to remind everyone that we encourage students not to bring nuts to school due to allergies in the classroom.
Important Dates to Remember
Friday 22 July: School Closure Day
Monday 1 August: Kaboom Whole School Sports Day
Thursday 11 August: Italian Day
Wednesday 17 August: Student Led Conferences
Wednesday 31 August: 'Resilience and Positive Behaviour Parent Night' with Special Guest Patrice Wiseman
Friday 2 September: Father’s Day Breakfast
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us,
Andrew Brown and Kristina Reid