Wellbeing News 

P2P - Parent to Parent Support Group

Parent 2 Parent (P2P) is a support group for parents of St Anne’s who have a child at school with a diagnosis.  This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet each other, share stories and seek advice. Thank you to the parents who came along for a cuppa and chat. Sometimes when a group gathers with something in common it widens the village that helps support a child. These sessions are valuable in many ways. Next term we are asking for some guest speakers; past and present parents to share their experiences and journey with the process of diagnosis; working with therapists and NDIS. Stay tuned for the date. 


Tournament of Minds (TOM)  


Tournament of Minds (TOM) is a well- respected educational program developed to engage teams of bright and creative students. The team members work together for six weeks on the four Challenge disciplines : Language Literature; Social Science; STEM; or The Arts. They endeavor to develop a creative way to communicate their solution to a panel of judges and an audience.

The Tournament of Minds’ objectives are:

  • to promote the stimulation of real, open-ended challenges
  • to develop creative problem-solving approaches and techniques
  • to foster cooperative learning and teamwork
  • to promote knowledge and appreciation of self and others
  • to encourage experimentation and risk-taking
  • to expand and reward creative and divergent thinking
  • to stimulate a spirit of inquiry and a love of learning
  • to develop enterprise
  • to celebrate excellence

In the coming weeks, The children in Years 4- 6 will be invited to participate in TOM, if you feel this is something your child may be interested in, have a chat with them about it or even their classroom room teacher or Monique McIntyre via the school office. 

Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Kids

For the last couple of years we have all been affected in some way from the restrictions of COVID-19. One of the ways this may have affected us, is not being able to participate in extracurricular activities, ie. an activity outside of school or work place. 

​​Between school and downtime, most kids try one or more extracurricular activities. These classes and programs allow children and teens to pursue a special interest that's outside of the typical educational curriculum, including sports, the arts, special-interest clubs, and technology.

 Extra-curricular activities boost young people's confidence to interact socially with others; extend their social networks; and provide them with new skills and abilities. Above all, they offer an important space to have fun and relax away from the pressures of school work. If you have a busy family schedule already, you may wonder whether extracurricular activities are worth the time and money. Indeed, there is plenty of evidence that enrichment programs outside the classroom boost children's social and academic skills. Luckily, there are more choices than ever for kids to find a pursuit that may ignite a true passion.

There are many opportunities for children to engage in extracurricular activities in the Sunbury area. These include : Karate, Yoga, Dance, Badminton, Netball, Gymnastics, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Lego clubs, school holiday programs, Sunbury School of Music, Drama and many more. Attached is a flyer for The Sunbury Library, there are many activities available for the month of June.