This has been an extremely challenging term and I am sure everyone is really looking forward to the two week break. I firstly want to thank the incredibly hard working and dedicated staff of JFC for their commitment to our college and their relentless intent on making this a great school. I am immensely proud of our achievements this term, under some challenging circumstances, and look forward to continuing to improve and grow as a school.
- Staffing - at the beginning of the year, we welcomed 15 new staff to the school. I am delighted to report that all of those teachers have settled in well and have already made a huge impact on the students' learning. We continue to experience change and movement on staff, which is quite common in schools at the moment as we regroup after lockdown and staff come and go.
- Student achievements - from sports to the classroom, students can be proud of their achievements this semester. Given that we have had little or no opportunity for the last two years to hold any events, students have responded with great enthusiasm to participating in sports, camps, and excursions. You will see evidence of this in the following articles and photos.
- School Council - with new members this year, we have set ourselves some goals to increase community engagement and activity and I will be informing families of this next semester.
- Senior School - we are currently developing the new senior school and will roll this out to families early Term 3. This will also include course counselling for Year 10 students.
- Camps - Years 7 and 8 have enjoyed no cost camps, and Year 9 go to their camp in Term 3. The costs have been covered by DET as a way of supporting students and families after the lockdowns. We will continue to plan camps for 2023 and beyond.
- Website - In term 3, we will redevelop our website and bring the information up to date, including curriculum and wellbeing.
- NAPLAN and Surveys - Students in Years 7 and 9 completed NAPLAN in May, the results of this will be out in August. In the last two weeks, all students have been invited to participate in the Attitudes to School Survey, to give them the chance to have their say in how our school runs. We hope to receive those results soon and will meet with groups of students to discuss the results.
Have a fantastic break everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all back in semester 2.