From the Principal 

Dear Parents/Caregivers


Last night Board conducted its reflection on the 2021 school year. I have included some excerpts from my report.


The 2021 school year was another year defined by its challenges.  In 2020 I wrote… “despite it being a year of adversity, it was more importantly a year of community, collaboration and resilience. I acknowledge and applaud; the tremendous work of the St Gabriel’s School staff who demonstrated educational flexibility and agility as they navigated an ever changing landscape, the remarkable adaptability of the students who responded to each challenge with vigour and positivity and to the parents and carers who could not have been more supportive and understanding. St Gabriel’s School clearly demonstrated what it stands for and who it is – a community that cares, shares and supports.” These words are no less accurate when describing the current students, parents and staff.


Stage 1 Development commenced in 2021. This initial stage involves: the establishment of a new Nature Play Space, the installation of glass panelling on the gym’s southern end, the construction of a storage area on the gym’s western side, the installation of new external doors and windows in the JP Area, the installation of new external doors and windows in the 2 area, the construction of a verandah on the southern side of the 2/3 area and stairs on the northern side of the same building. 


The school successfully applied for a 1.5 million dollar Grant from the State Government to assist with Stage 2 of the Capital Development as outlined in the Master Plan. It is envisaged that during the 2022 school year, work will commence on a new Administration Building with the student toilets, Resource Room and current staff area being upgraded.

This development has been extremely well received and is a tribute to all involved in its inception. Opened by Archbishop Patrick O’Reagan in November. The ceremony was attended by many dignitaries and special guests. The feedback on the day, and since, has been extremely positive. I would like to thank the Board for its leadership and commitment to a worthy project that has come to fruition. The work done is an excellent launching pad for future development.


The new Nature Play Space was an addition to the school that has had an immeasurable positive impact. It is a wonderful space for students to explore and “lose” themselves in imaginary places where their imaginations can be heir guide. This is not only an area to be enjoyed by the school children, it has been great to see the Play Group children and their parents engage with the activities and make a genuine connection with the school.

As mentioned earlier, the staff and students were wonderful during a trying and at times overwhelming year. There was much that was postponed and lost – rather than lamenting however, there was the pursuit of opportunity and a realisation that through adversity comes opportunity. This was a sentiment that was embraced and nourished in 2021. To all staff and students, I say a sincere thank you.


I would like to acknowledge and thank all volunteers who supported the school in some way during the year. A special mention to the members of the school board led by Felicity Seal. As principal, I could not ask for a more cohesive and supportive group. We have achieved a lot in a short space of time and I look forward to the exciting opportunities and challenges that lay ahead. As difficult as this year was, it has provided a sound platform in terms of finances, enrolments, personnel and community tenor, from which we can launch into exciting opportunities in the years to come.


Thank you to the year 1 cohort who led us in today’s Assembly. It was great to see and hear about the tremendous things happening in the learning areas. 


Have a great holiday beginning at the end of next week and we will see you all next term.




Sean Hill