'The Language of Welcome'

As our community increases in numbers over the year, we are mindful that this brings change.  Change to routines and rituals as we come alongside new friends who are learning how we 'live and learn' at Curiosity, new people to exchange friendship with and sometimes some big feelings that often require empathy and care.


In Term 3, we welcome 8 new families to Curiosity.  These families will enter into each of our learning communities offering our children and staff the opportunity to extend love and embrace.  Through a new whole centre project called, 'The Language of Welcome' our teams have been invited into some thinking routines around what it means to welcome others.  


Inquiry Question - How could you help and welcome a new child into our team?  


Green Team responses:

Malachi - "I could maybe ask them to walk with me to the bathroom to wash their hands."

Azalya - "I can show them where to sit and do drawing with Audrey and me."

Julian - "I could protect them and give them a hug."

Rory - "I sit next to them at morning tea time to help them with their lunchboxes.  I can also make things for them."

Hudson - "If they are crying, we could go and get a teacher for them."


Blue Team responses:

Jace - "We can tell them our names and show them where to put their names on the board."

Ema - "Sit with them around the prayer met and pray together."

Manreet - "Teach them the Kaurna Acknowledgement and play on the playground together."

Ruby - "Letting them play with us."


Orange Team responses:

Delilah - "Say hello to them and be kind and help them."

Skylah - "Sharing and being kind to them and play with them."

Florence - "Give them a cuddle if they are feeling sad."

Audrey - "Ask them to come for a visit so they can learn about our team."


We have lots of wonderful transition experiences planned for our new families and for the children who are transitioning from the Green Team.  As these experiences evolve we look forward to seeing the 'Language of Welcome' expressed in our community.  


1John 3:18, encourages us as a community of believers to "not just talk about love; let's practice real love."


As our parent community, I wonder how you could also express welcome to our new families?  I'd love to hear some of your thoughts and ideas.