FMOliver V

For your wonderful attempts with writing. I love hearing you sounding out the words before attempting to write them. 

Keep up the amazing work.

12CAXavier CFor putting in such a big effort to improve your focus and to do your best. You should feel very proud of your achievements Xavier. Well done!
12DChloe LFor your brilliant start to your fairy tale narrative. I love the description you are using and look forward to reading your final piece. Keep it up!
34SCharley WFor her brilliant research skills in gathering and recording information about Climate Change, and her outstanding performance skills at the Cyber Safety incursion! You’re a star Charley.
34KIsabel SThank you for being such a fantastic representative for our class in the SVT this semester. I just know you have the ear of our whole class and have served them wonderfully!
34LLeo TFor doing your best and helping others succeed by sharing your knowledge about the Fibonacci sequence and teaching your classmate how it works. Great work!

Dash D

Bella S

For enjoying the struggle and demonstrating great persistence solving Mr Mc’s maths challenges.
6RJHunter MFor maintaining a growth mindset in maths. I love that you take your time, persist, ask for help, try it another way etc until you get there. Well done
Performing Arts

Maya T


For putting in such a great effort with your role as Bunjil the Eagle in our Indigenous story-telling. I love your focus and enthusiasm. Well done.
Plot to PotWilliam L 3/4SFor handling raw meat like a boss! Congratulations!