‘Learning for Life’ @ Chilwell 


This term we are focusing on RESPECT.

Respect is a positive and considerate way of treating or thinking about someone or something. When people are insulted or treated badly, they have not been shown respect. It is so important that we have respect for ourselves, others and the environment.

Congratulations to the following students:   





Mrs AdamsPMA

Will West - For making good decisions this week and being respectful during learning time.

Zoe Day - Showing her peers respect and being a determined, respectful learner.

Mrs BurnsPCB

Caspar Ertiryaki- for showing respect to others when they share their work.

Tybius Shannon- For showing respect to others by listening well during show and Tell.

Mr ClarkPLC

Zac Herbert - for demonstrating respect by packing up all his things and helping others.

Sadie Sheean - for showing respect by using her manners when addressing others. 

Mrs Harmer & Miss Robertson1HRAle Daniel- For demonstrating respectful listening during the Norm Stanley Incursion and sharing his new learning with the grade.
Mr Perrott1RPBelle Plunkett - for respectfully getting to know your peers and settling into a new school.
Ms Hamilton2KHMargot McCurry- For being a respectful and kind friend and a wonderful classroom helper.

Mr Smith


2JSRubi Djordjevic- For being helpful and respectful to others.
Mrs Galluccio2AGClem Sullivan for listening respectfully during our Norm Stanley presentation and actively participating in our class discussion afterwards. 
Mrs Eddy3CEHumza Ismat - For showing respect to Norm Stanley during our Indigenous incursion by listening effectively.
Ms Wieland3MWKevin Wang- for always demonstrating respect to his peers and teachers.

Miss Louisa


Mrs Jelenko4KJEve Kasper- For her thoughtful and respectful listening during our incursion with Norm Stanley.
Mrs Walsh5SWShirley Rudd- for the respect she shows towards her classmates and teachers
Mr Cole & Mrs Gilham5CGMilla Keenan, for her respectful and caring nature.
Mrs Stynes5JS 
Mr Czarnuch6MC 
Mrs McLaren6JM