General Information


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in Week's 3 and 4 of term:

Zachary Tremain, Ryder Swift, Karter Jones, Danyela Bailey, Rosemary Wright, Peyton McBain.


Congratulations to Lewis Masterson and family on the safe arrival of his baby brother Finn. We all wish them many blessings and much love for the future.



17th October  2022  -- HOSTED BY STAGE 2

Congratulations to all our students who received awards at this week's assembly.




Early Stage 1 (Kinder)

Nash Smyth

Newberry Ferrer

Cotton Gray

Delilah Cooper

Isla Grob

Charlotte Wehr

Roy Watson

Zach Tremain

Stage 1

Hallie Parish

Matilda Schalk

Karter Jones

Alec Newberry

Pollyanna McLeod

Lucy van de Waal

Chase Gelhaar

Shelby Hayden

Hannah Ko

Caitlin Kneipp

Lacey Poulton

Alec Newberry

Maggie Doust

Stage 2

Zoe McAllister

Lara Newberry

Felicity Adams

Macie Watson

Bridget Grob

Josie Watts

Claire Bailey

Rosemary Wright

Jimmy Chard

Felicity Adams

Bridget Grob

Joshua Pietsch

Rosemary Wright

Scarlett Templeton

Ryder Swift

Stage 3

Bobby Chard

Patrick Wright

Scout Southern

Matilda Gelhaar

Siena Villella

Grace Tarrant

Ruby Grob

Reminder for New England Sings! Families

Students need to be at the Meade St gate by 7:20AM this Saturday, the 22nd October to travel to Armidale for our Dress Rehearsal. 


They need to bring a few snacks and a water bottle. Dress is casual. We will be back for pick-up at the Meade St gate by 1:30PM. Mr Withers and myself will be with the students.


On Sunday I will meet you all at the venue at The Armidale Secondary College, Butler St, Armidale at 12:30PM when the students will have the final run -through. The concert will start at 2:30PM., finishing around 4:00PM.


Thankyou for supporting the children along this journey and I know this will be an amazing experience for everyone involved.


kind regards, 

Shanny Core


Issue 7 of Scholastic Book Club has been given to the students this week. Orders and payment is due back to the office by Friday 28th October. Late orders cannot be taken. Thank you for your continued support.


You are reminded that supervision at school does not start until 8:40 am and concludes at 3:40 pm. Students are not to be on school grounds outside of these times.


Bell times each day are:

9.00am Start of Day. Students to move to classroom for roll marking
9.10amLessons start
11.10amMorning tea
11.35amEnd of morning tea, students move to classroom
11.40am Recommence classes
2.25pm End of lunch, students mover to classroom
2.30pmRecommence classes
3.20pm End of the school day


It is very important that the school has up to date contact information for each child. If we do not have the correct information at the school it is difficult for us to contact you if need be. If your details change during the year please contact the school as soon as possible or update your details on Compass Parent Portal.

UNIFORMS - end of phase in period

The change of school uniform from summer to winter or winter to summer is not always associated with the school term. Our uniform policy states that there will be a two week phase in period called by the school. We do this to cater for the change in seasons. During this time students are ask to be in full uniform either summer or winter, not a mixture of both. Students are able to wear either summer or winter uniform depending on the weather, until MONDAY 24th October when all students will be required to wear full summer uniform. If you have any problem with your child wearing the uniform please contact the office as soon as possible to discuss the matter further.