From the Acting Deputy Principal

Values in Action

On Wednesday I had the pleasure of taking a group of Year Nines to Foodbank to deliver a large amount of donated food products to people in need, as well as meals that have been made by the 'Hunger Heroes' in Senior School. Foodbank had recently put out a call for assistance over winter and our students responded in kind over the past two weeks. As an independent, Christian school we try to empower our students to live their lives with compassion towards others. As we loaded up the bus there was genuine excitement amongst the students as they could see the value in their service and a sense of satisfaction with what they had achieved with boxes and boxes of items. While these students were able to drop off the food items, everyone who donated should also feel that their contribution is a great act of kindness.


By this simple step, the students have turned things that we talk about at school into reality. They have shown leadership, developed communication skills, shown good citizenship, worked as a team, developed an awareness of the community in which they live, learnt more about the changing economy and its effects on others, followed through on ideas and many other great attributes.  Talking to our Counsellor, Ms Sheryl Moncur, she told me that being kind releases some of the good neurochemicals in our brain which make us feel that sense of satisfaction and pride that we have done something positive, which is especially valuable for teenagers. Congratulations to everyone involved.

Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews

On Friday afternoon student reports will be released via SEQTA. Teachers have spent extra time ensuring that grade and marks are valid and reliable. It has been a challenging Semester for staff and students to get this right. Some students in class have missed no work while others may have missed weeks. There are a few areas where a modified or no grade is given when teachers felt that they could not accurately assess the level of a student at this time. However, by the end of the year a grade and mark will be available.


With this in mind, Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on Monday 18 July for parents of students in Pre-Primary to Year Twelve. An email with further information will be sent on Friday. These PTIs will have two sections, online Teams interviews from 12 noon to 2.00pm, and face to face interviews from 2.30pm to 5.30pm. We have set this up to make it accessible to all families, especially boarding families, who may not be able to travel. It is not possible for staff to jump from online to in-person during the day. Interviews with teachers are a valuable tool that can assist parents with an understanding of where their child’s strengths lie as well as some challenges they may need to take on. If you cannot find a time slot that suits please email your child’s teacher directly and they can arrange a time later in the week.

School Photo Day

A reminder that we have our photo days on Thursday 21 July and Friday 22 July, Week One of Term Three in the Multi-Purpose Sport Complex. Photographs that are scheduled for these days and the required uniform include:

  • Class/Homeroom/House: Presentation Uniform (covered legs)
  • Music Ensembles: Presentation Uniform (covered legs)
  • Pipe Band: Full Pipe Band Uniform
  • Griffins Groups: Playing Strip
  • School Carnival Teams: striped polo shirt and sport shorts
  • Rowing: striped polo shirt and sport shorts

Students who are involved in workplace learning or TAFE are reminded to give their lecturers / supervisors plenty of notice if they would like to attend their scheduled photograph session time. The schedule has been emailed to families. Parent and Guardian assistance to remind students of the correct uniform on the day would be appreciated. 


Thanks to all our staff, teaching and business staff, for their wonderful commitment to GSG over this challenging semester. 


I hope everyone has a relaxing and safe holiday.


Mr Adam Scott | Acting Deputy Principal

New Bus Stop at Collingwood Heights

Jo, a current parent, is looking to lobby for a new bus stop in Collingwood Heights (on bus route 715). At the moment there are no bus stops in that area, with the closest one being at St Joseph's. Before Jo goes to the bus company, she is looking to gauge how much support there may be from other families for an additional stop. If you would like to lend your support, please email Jo via