Careers and Pathways

Careers Service is still open for business!
The MGSC Careers Service is available for students while you are learning from home.
If you have any career related questions, email them through to Karen Garton:
You can also request to have a discussion to answer any career related questions you may have – just email through your request and Karen will contact you to set up a time for a phone call.
Year 10 Work Experience cancelled
Due to COVID-19 the year 10 Work Experience Program has been cancelled for this year.
This is very disappointing for many students who had worked really hard to secure their placements with many of them being some really great opportunities. Students that want to re-organise their work experience for another time (should we have a return to normal before the end of the year) may do so for a week during school term holidays. The Department of Education Work Experience Arrangement forms must be completed for all placements, even when they are during the holidays, as this ensures you are covered by the Department’s WorkSafe insurance.
If you wish to discuss or need a new copy of the form, please email
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator