2021 Year 7 enrolments

Applications close Friday 29 May
MGSC should be planning for our annual Open Night. Together with our regular College Tours, this is an opportunity to showcase our school before Year 6 students and families select the secondary school they will attend from Year 7. This information will assist our current families who are enrolling another daughter to join us from Year 7 2021 or families that our school community know would like to join MGSC next year. Spread the word!
Due to the COVID-19 the Department of Education and Training has made to changes to the process to the process for 2021. Key changes:
- 2021 Year 7 applications need to be in by Friday 29 May (two week extension)
- Forms and documents can be accessed directly from DET website (as primary schools may be unable to distribute the material in hard copy)
- There is no separate MGSC out-of-zone application form. Families need to put MGSC as their first preference in the nominated school section.
Information to enrol at MGSC is on our website
or on the DET website
Applications forms can be downloaded from the DET page. Completed forms are then returned by Friday 29 May as follows:
- Currently attending a government primary school - return to your primary school
- Current attending a non-government primary school (Catholic or Independent) - return to MGSC by email
If families want to know more about MGSC, see our website, check out the latest 360 degree virtual tour, look at our social media or read archived newsletters.
Further details contact General Office at mentone.girls.sc@education.vic.gov.au
Enhancement Program
Applications for the Year 7 2021 Enhancement Program are now open.
In addition to completing a general enrolment application, Enhancement Program applications must undertake an Edutest.
More information is on the website at: https://mgsc.vic.edu.au/enhancement-program/
Key information
- Register for Edutest by Monday 11 May
- Testing will be conducted online on Saturday 16 May
- Put in a general application (see above) by Friday 29 May
Further details contact Sam Haines at enhancement@mgsc.vic.edu.au