Virtual classrooms. Real fun!

Year 9 Japanese
Who doesn’t love a スカヴェンジャ・ハント (Scavenger Hunt)?
One of the first online Year 9 Japanese language lessons focused on strengthening reading of the katakana script. Students were provided with a list of household items, written in the katakana script. Students had to find the item in their home and take a ‘selfie’ with the items. The students took enthusiastically to the task creating some creative poses in the process. (See above)
Petra Witt
Japanese teacher
On Friday 17 April, the Year 8 Girls Invent classes had a WebEx group meeting with entrepreneur Mark Clifton-Glazebrook and a guest presenter Andrew Lowe. Andrew is an Intellectual Property lawyer who spoke about patents and trademarks. Andrew works for Shelston IP Australia.
Girls Invent is a schools-based inventing and business development program. Through a structured series of focused workshops, our student inventors create their own original product or service idea and are then shown how to progress it as any entrepreneur would into a real business. The program has been underway since February and will was great we could continue online.
Gemma Johnson
Technology teacher
Karli Doak (Year 9) created some very cute plasticine characters over the holidays. They will star in the stop-motion animation she will be making at home this term.
Congratulations Karli. We look forward to seeing them 'come to life' and your completed project.
Lisa Blumenstein
Media Teacher