Health & PE

Move it!
It is so important that every student is getting exercise and having time away from their laptop over the coming weeks. As we move to an online platform, our Health & PE staff have been designing online lessons to ensure our students are still getting up and moving.
Why is it important that we move?
The Australian Physical Activity Guidelines state: For health benefits, young people aged 13–17 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. Young peoples' physical activity should include a variety of aerobic activities, including some vigorous intensity activity.
Not only is exercise important in ensuring a healthy body, it is vital in ensuring we have a healthy mind! Numerous studies have concluded that exercise can assist in lifting your mood and improving your sleep patterns. With increased screen time and isolation, there has never been a more important time to move!
We understand that every household will be set up differently, therefore we have ensured that any prescribed exercise in ‘PE Class’ will require minimal space and no equipment.
This is a great time to encourage and motivate your children to be active, we have included some ideas below and hopefully we can all benefit from having a break from the screen and moving our bodies;
- Keep an exercise diary,
Discover and participate in new online workouts including; Yoga, Zumba, High Intensity Interval Training.
Kick the footy at a local park or in the backyard.
Set yourself a step goal and record your daily steps
Start a step competition in your household and get the whole family moving
Follow online Personal Trainers such as The Body Coach and get your children completing the PE lessons by Joe Wicks (30 minutes a day)
Set up an equipment free workout in your backyard or lounge room.
If you have fitness equipment available, design your own workout or use one of the many free workouts online.
Below are further links to free online workouts - MGSC Fitness at home resource.
As Health educators we have also set up focus areas in line with The Resilience Project for the coming weeks in order to stimulate positive thoughts. Feel free to continue these themes within your household.
Weeks 1-3: Gratitude
Weeks 4-5: Empathy & Kindness
Weeks 6-7: Mindfulness
Weeks 8 & 9: Emotional Literacy
Weeks 10 & 11: Global Perspectives
Wishing you all the best of luck as we work in a new school setting this term, please encourage your students to contact their PE teacher if they would like any more advice in regards to getting active at home!
Health & Physical Education team