Assistant Principal's Page

‘About You’ Survey!

We are very privileged at WHSC to have various programs offered to our students. The programs  are targeted to their specific needs so they can grow and essentially Be The Best That They Can Be. In a couple of weeks our Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 students will take part in the 'About You' Survey. We are looking forward to this survey as we will have the opportunity to understand what we can do to support our students and ensure we have the right programs that suits their needs.


What is ‘About You’?

‘About You’ is a survey of Victoria’s young people, conducted by Colmar Brunton on behalf of the Department of Education and Training. The About You survey takes place in Victorian schools and collects essential information on the health, wellbeing, learning and safety of young people aged 12 to 17.

Government schools with students in year 7, 8, 10 and 11 are being invited to participate in the survey in 2019. The information collected will assist in the development of programs, resources and services aimed at meeting the needs of young Victorians.





Who will participate?

All students in year 7, 8, 10 and 11 will be invited to participate in the survey from our school.

It is up to you and your child as to whether they take part. The school will send an information letter explaining the background and content of the survey, along with a refusal-of-consent form home with your child, and to your email address. If you do not want your child to be included in the study, you should return the refusal-of-consent form to the school, or opt out via the email address that will be supplied. All responses are voluntary and students can opt out at any time.


For further information, please contact Gillian Davenport at the Department of Education and Training via email

Talking about programs . . 

While we look forward to the results of the 'About You’ Survey, we know that our students have just completed a program that will always be meaningful to them. One area of the Performing Arts program has again taken our students on an unforgettable journey. Our production was phenomenal and it was an absolute pleasure to see our students shine either onstage, backstage, designing, filming, taking photos or building props and sets.


What happened on stage last week reminded us of a recent article about the entertainment duo Penn and Teller: 'Teaching: Just Like Performing Magic.' Teller was a teacher before he became an entertainer and he stated:


‘The teacher has a duty to engage, to create romance that can transform apathy into interest, and, if a teacher does their job well, a transference of enthusiasm from teacher to student takes place.’ 


I think we can all agree that our students enthusiastically stepped out of their comfort zone and embraced new opportunities. The dedication, professionalism and enthusiasm of our team has ensured our production was another success for Wheelers Hill. Congratulations to everyone involved. 

VCE Information Evening

Thank you to all parents and students who attended the VCE Information Evening on Thursday 8 August.

Should you have any questions regarding VCE or subject selection, please don't hesitate to contact Ms. Judith Riddoch.

Parents and students currently in Year 10 please remember that Friday 16th August is VCE 2020 Selections Day. All students have received individual appointment times and there will be no Year 10 classes on this date. 

Casual Dress and Bake Sale

On Wednesday 14th August the College will be holding a casual dress day to raise funds for charity. Students are required to make a gold coin donation. We will also be running a bake sale. Students are encouraged to contribute. Prizes will be awarded for the best bakes!


Claire Hanley and Andrew Dixon

Assistant Principals