
What Lights Your Fire? 25 Awesome Questions to Find Your Passion

What is your passion? What are you great at that you also love and have a red hot passion and drive for? Do you know? Until you locate that thing, it will stay parked in your heart and no one will benefit from it.

While you may be incredibly great at something, unless you can identify the thing that makes your heart race, the thing that you think about constantly, the thing you would PAY to be able to do, you’ll settle for helping others achieve their passion.

Explore what lights your fire!

You are the only one who can find your passion. Go somewhere quiet, with no internet and dedicate at least 2-3 hours to developing your answers. Some may apply more than others. That’s fine.

Allow your mind to run wild. Use the questions below to explore what lights you on fire.


1. What makes you happiest in your life? What excites you?

2. What do you do that makes you feel invincible?

3. What do people thank you for?

4. What are you ridiculously good at? What are your precious gifts?

5. Who do you look up to? Who are your mentors? Who inspires you? Why?

6. When was the last time you were in a state of flow, in the zone and totally lost track of time? What were you doing?

7. Imagine you won $150 million in the lottery. It’s now three months later. How will you spend tomorrow?

8. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

9. If you could have or do anything, what would it be?

10. What topics do you find yourself continuously arguing or defending with others? What beliefs does your stance represent?

11. What makes you most angry about the state of the world? With unlimited resources how could you fix it?

12. What are you most afraid of for the next generation, whether you have kids or not?

13. What do you love helping people with?

14. What’s your favorite section in the bookstore? What’s the first magazine you’d pick up at the grocery store?

15. When was the last time you couldn’t sleep because you were so excited about what you had to work on? What was it?

16. If you trusted that your art (your creativity) would support your life, How would you live?

17. What would you gladly do for free?

18. What do you want to be remembered for – what dent do you want to have put in the world?

19. What do your friends always tell you you’d be good at, that you should do for a living (i.e. “he’d make a great…)? If you don’t remember, then go ask five of them.

20. What are you naturally curious about?

21. If you had a free hour to surf the internet, what would you explore?

22. Think back to when you were 5 or10 years old. What did you want to be when you grew up? Anything goes. What skills and metaphors do these represent (i.e. pilot may be a symbol for freedom)?

23. If you could write a book to help the world, that is guaranteed to be a best seller, what would the title be? What’s it about?

24. What careers do you find yourself dreaming of? What jobs do others have that you wish were yours?

25. What 3-5 dream jobs or businesses can you imagine that would firmly embody your passions?


Take as long as you need to, your ideas may not come to mind right away, but in no time, you will find that you already are passionate about something, you just need to trust your instincts.

If it feels right, follow your heart.

No matter what happens in your life, never stop believing that you will somehow find your passion and lead the life you want.

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” John Ruskin

Remember you can log onto the following websites which will assist you with discovering your passion and Career Action Plan –



Happy Career Researching!


Voula Jakubicki

Careers Coordinator