From the Deputy Principal, 


This week the community gathered for the Resurrection Easter Play.

From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Term 2 - Return to School and Change of Uniform

A reminder that Monday 30 April 2018 is a Pupil Free Day, and students will return on Tuesday 1 May. When students return, they will be required to wear their full winter uniform. Please refer to the Uniform Shop article in this edition of the newsletter for further information.


Student/ Parent /Teacher Learning Conversations

Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who attended our Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations on Wednesday 4 April. A quality partnership is essential to the positive development of your son. If you would like to engage with any of our staff, please access them through the SEQTA Engage portal or App. All your son’s grades will be visible online along with a brief comment regarding each specific task.


Educator Accelerator Cycle

Our Blackfriars Educational Leaders of Learning have been selected to engage with LeadLearn Consulting through the 8-week Educator Accelerator Cycle. Teachers undergo professional development in current educational research. The Cycle includes teachers receiving feedback from their students and then engaging in action research to improve their teaching practice. Educators analyse data, collaborate, plan, receive feedback and evaluate. Teachers will focus on areas such as collaboration, differentiation, task orientation and individual support. The Cycle involves teachers utilising expert coaching and classroom observations from LeadLearn Consultants. These teachers will also receive intensive professional development in Accompaniment Coaching and will then be equipped to continue this self-reflective and growth mindset approach to teaching in the future at Blackfriars. This is an investment in the acceleration of our educators’ effectiveness in delivering optimum outcomes for the students at Blackfriars. Thank you to Damian Hill and Damien Coats for leading us through this exceptional process.


Online Reporting 

As mentioned in previous newsletters, you should now be receiving online feedback on assessment items which will go towards your son’s final grade. Teachers will give feedback through Marksbooks which will articulate how your son is progressing, and what he needs to do to improve. SEQTA is the medium used by the school for communication, and I strongly encourage you to download the app if you have not already done so. If you have any queries, please contact Paul Mason at


Note that at the end of this term, you will not be receiving a printed copy of your son's report. The online report will be available for viewing and printing at home on Friday 13 April. 


Easter Plays

I would like to thank the Prefects, drama students, Mr Matthew Crisanti and Mr Bob Becker for their tremendous work on our Easter plays. The plays brought students to a greater understanding of the Pascal mystery of Easter through the medium of drama. 



All Year 11 students will attend RAA Street Smart at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday in Week 11. This is an annual road safety education event hosted by RAA in conjunction with the Motor Accident Commission. The program aims to reduce the state’s shocking youth road toll. Road crashes are one of the leading causes of death for young people under the age of 25, and Street Smart aims to demonstrate the devastating reality of road trauma to South Australian high school students.


The program has been very popular in the past, and therefore we see the value in ensuring our Year 11 students are provided with an opportunity to attend this worthwhile learning experience.


RAA Street Smart High will feature a realistic crash scene re-enactment involving vehicles, emergency services and actors. The aim of this re-enactment is to be as close as possible to a real-life crash. It is not designed to shock, but to realistically portray the events of a fatal car crash. Students will also hear from people whose lives have been affected by road trauma. The day is extremely worthwhile for all adolescents and I strongly encourage our Year 11 students to actively engage in the presentations.


The end of term assembly will take place during Pastoral Care on Wednesday of Week 11. This will be an opportunity to share highlights for the term across the school from ELC to Year 12.


Finally, our Year 12 Prefects will take part in a charity netball game against St Mary’s College on Wednesday of Week 11. This will be a great opportunity to share a fun game with a fellow Dominican school.


Our Middle Sears Leaders had the opportunity in Week 9 to attend the Halogen Secondary Youth Leaders day accompanied by Mr Corey Leditschke and Ms Lacey Hutter. There were a range of young, inspiring leaders who shared their thoughts on leadership within school and the broader community.



As the holidays approach it is important to give some thought as to how your son will spend them. Enjoying a balance of time outdoors, reading, exercising, building, gardening, chipping away at school work, constructive online activities, prayer, reflection, quiet time, movies and day trips are essential to his wellbeing. Having a single focus can be contour productive. Making time as a family to enjoy simple activities together will reap rewards a hundred times over.


A final reminder that students will be dismissed at 1:00pm on the last day of term, Friday 13 April. 


Blessings and Peace for the Holidays.


Mr David Ruggiero