
Year 10 Student Leaders Conference
Tereza Nebesky and I, along with 12 other girls from Victoria’s seven government girls’ schools, met at The Mac. Roberton Girls’ School, to discuss plans for the upcoming annual Victorian Association of State Girls’ Secondary Colleges conference.
The objective of the conference is to encourage young girls to pursue their dreams and aspirations in life, without considering misogyny and gender to be an obstacle. Our goal, over the four planning days, was to organise an event, in which 15 selected girls from each school would have the opportunity to develop positive self-awareness and build strong relationships with new people they meet along the way.
Each year, a theme is selected as a key focus point of the event, this years’ being S.T.R.I.V.E. The acronym stands for: Strength, Talent, Resilience, Independence, Values and Empowerment. These are six traits we all believe to be necessary for an optimum mindset, and healthy lifestyle. As part of the event, we plan to have motivational speakers, self-defence lessons, self-appreciation building exercises for the girls to take part in and finish off the day with show bags put together by the student organisers. It is our role to plan a day incorporating S.T.R.I.V.E as much as possible, in order to make sure it has a lasting effect on all participants, so they will leave feeling they had gained something from such a unique, once in a life time experience.
The conference will be held on Wednesday 19 September at The Mac. Robertson Girls’ School. We hope all those involved enjoy the conference as much as Tereza and I have enjoyed planning it!
Ashli Sali (Year 10)