
News and upcoming events
A huge congratulations to the Year 8 Band for their performance at the Victorian Schools Music Festival. Mr Campbell and I were extremely proud of the way the band performed, and more importantly, in the way they prepared for the performance and the dedication and commitment they showed in being their very best on the day. If any family would like to order official photos of the event they can at with the access code VSMF18. A video of the performance can be found at:
The Winter Concert is on Tuesday 4 September for all music students. The performance runs from 7pm to 9pm. Performers will need to arrive by 6:30pm. Music performance uniform (see College Diary)is to be worn. Entry is by gold coin donation at the door with all proceeds going towards the 2019 Senior Music Tour.
After the Winter Concert, members of the Year 8 Band will be invited to join the Symphonic Band in preparation for Presentation Evening. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Thank you to those who have returned their 2019 Senior Music Tour to NZ expression of interest forms. Please try to return these by Monday 3 September. If you need extra time, please let me know.
Dizzy’s Performance for the Guitar Ensemble, Stage Band and Jazz Band on Tuesday 11 September at Dizzy’s Jazz Club in Richmond at 7.30pm. Performers need to arrive by 7pm. Pre-booking is recommended as the venue has limited capacity. For tickets go to:
The Music and Theatre Soiree is coming up on Wednesday 18 September at 6pm. Application forms for students to perform will be circulated soon.
Early next term there are two Information Nights. The Year 8 Band will be performing on Thursday 11 October at the Grade 6 General Information Night. TheYear 7 Band will be performing on Thursday 18 October at the Grade 6 Music Information Night.
Congratulations to the Symphonic Band which performed at the Victorian Schools Music Festival on Monday 27 August at Hawthorn Arts Centre. Further congratulations to the band that was part of Wonder in Aliceland. The band performed for all six performances and many hours of rehearsal and made a significant contribution to the succeess of the production.
Mr Tim Veevers
Director of Performing Arts