Interview with Miss Sue Evins

By Euan C (5B) & Kiri S (5A)

Year 5 Junior Council Representatives


Miss Sue Evins (PB Classroom Teacher) 

Tell us about your family?

My family live in Red Hill. My sister and her husband have just built ‘The Red Hill Barn’ accommodation on her 3 acre property.

What was the best concert you ever attended?

I have been to lots of concerts! I went to three last year - Cold Play, Adele and Ed Sheeran. They were all fantastic! The only problem was at the Ed Sheeran concert Mrs Purton sang so loudly I could hardly hear Ed!!

What’s your favourite hobby?

Not sure if it’s a hobby but I love going out for brunch with friends and walking on the beach. Oh, is going on holidays a hobby??

What’s your favourite movie?

I love all different types of movies but definitely not scary ones!!

If you could visit anywhere in the world you’ve never been, where would you go and why?

I have a really long bucket list but here are a few places I have never been to visit and would love to see… New York, Portugal, Croatia, the UK, Africa and Mexico.


I love to explore parts of the world I’ve never been and experience different cultures and try the amazing cuisines.