Literacy Notes

Last time in Literacy Notes we gave a snapshot of some of our Literacy initiatives this year which includes the introduction of Classroom Libraries. These are separate to our wonderful School Library and provide an extra resource area for children to select and enjoy books and other reading material.


It is absolutely vital that children have access to a large number of books and that they have the opportunity to read 2 or 3 times per day.  With the introduction of the Daily 5 which includes 'Read to Self' and 'Read to Others' as well as reading outside of school hours, our children at Beaumaris North are being provided with as many opportunities as possible.


In order to ensure we have ample reading material we are trying to stock our Classroom Libraries in a number of ways. We have sorted and re-allocated reading material as well as sourcing some really great books in excellent condition from local Op Shops. We are always on the lookout for a bargain!


Now we are putting a call out to our families for donations of any books or age-appropriate magazines they may have at home that are no longer needed by the family. We are looking forward to the generosity of our school community and the chance to add to our ever-expanding reading resources. Please look out for the Compass post with our request!


Here are some comments about reading at school from Harper and Aylah in Year 2.


I like the way we always have some 'Read to Self 'time and we can grab the books from the classroom library tub. I like the way the tubs are labelled so you know where to find things. Harper F (2A)


I like the way you get to read to yourself and to read to your friends.  I like the way you get to learn how to read. I like walking to the Library too and the teacher reads us a story and after that we can read to ourselves. Aylah K (2A)

Yours in Literacy


Jo Taylor & Tania Purton 

Literacy Coordinators


Mrs Jo Taylor - Curriculum Coordinator
Mrs Tania Purton - 2C Classroom Teacher
Mrs Jo Taylor - Curriculum Coordinator
Mrs Tania Purton - 2C Classroom Teacher