Around the College

Thank you to our Year 8 Reading Program Volunteers

The Year 8 Reading Program is facilitated by volunteers and we have been fortunate enough to welcome two Alumni to the team. 2018 graduates Anthea Sampson and Riley Wallace are assisting with the program, which helps improve the literacy skills of our students. 


By encouraging Alumni to re-engage with the school community, not only do our DSC students see the benefits, but we are providing further learning opportunities and experiences to our past students. This allowed Anthea (Bachelor of Educational Studies- ACU) and Riley (Bachelor of Primary Teaching- Deakin in 2020) to gain experience and techniques that will be beneficial to them in their future careers!


Annabel Carr

Alumni Coordinator

Australian Geography Competition

Over 73,500 students from 792 schools across Australia entered the Australian Geography Competition this year. We have a number of student geographers at our school who performed to a very high level in the Competition this year with both Matthew Williams of 8E and Marc Margarejo of 7E in the top 1% in their year level across Australia. Congratulations go to both students for their efforts!

The following students gained High Distinctions, scoring in the top 10% of students in their year level across Australia:


Sebastien G. 7E, Jemma K. 8E, Noah F. 9E, Zachary M. 9E, Zoe T. 9E and Ethan J. 10A.


We also had 11 students gain Distinctions and 12 students achieve Credits. Well done to all students who participated!


Josh Cowling

Geography Teacher