Parents and Community

Parent Testimony
My son started at John Fawkner College in January 2020, and what a roller coaster of a year it has been for all of us! While the year is still unfolding, we’ve come in and out of lock down, only to find ourselves back in there again. Sometimes I lose track of time as one day blurs into another. As we live online much more these days, I’m reminded of the movie The Matrix. Surely we aren’t living in one, are we?
As COVID-19 case numbers climb in Victoria and around the world, revealing fault lines not only in policies but also in communities, I believe there are two common interests that can bring people together: the natural world and the pursuit of learning. Trying our hardest to live in better harmony and balance with nature would be crucial to preventing further health crises. While restoring this balance is long-term, the pursuit of learning is something we can all engage in right now. Learning provides knowledge, occupation and, most importantly, hope. Without learning, there’d be no hope and there’d be no future.
I can see hope and I can see a future in my son going about his school business every day. Within the confines of our little house and our little suburb, his mind can still travel far and wide across the fascinating territories of science, mathematics, languages, humanities and the arts. He’s also been facilitated to get active through physical education and to connect with his teachers and classmates. As a new parent at John Fawkner College during lock down, I haven’t been able to get to know many of the teachers at the college, but their hard work and quiet dedication are never lost on me, as they show clearly in my son’s positive attitude to learning and consistent schoolwork.
I love the fact that my son gets up every day anticipating learning and schoolwork. I love that he takes a long daily walk as part of his exercise log. I appreciate that teachers hold video conferences with students every day and check in with them often on attendance and schoolwork.
As a community, let’s not waste this crisis. Let’s support the school and the teachers’ amazing work by talking to our children about how important learning is, and how this period of online learning can build digital skills that will be the future of work. I notice that although my son still squeezes in gaming time during the day, although he still talks fervently about video games, he has become more aware of balancing work and play, screen time and other activities. There’s a sense of increased self-management in him, although it still needs lots of improvement.
I’m now sharing my final words: To the school and the teachers, thank you so much for making sure learning continues no matter what. To our school community, I wish you all the best in getting through this testing time. No matter where we are, let’s all celebrate learning as it brings hope, change and a future.
Warm regards,
Ha Nguyen
Community Information
Women’s Gentle Stretching and Relaxation ~ A Free 6-week Program
Commencing: August 24 Duration: 6 weeks Day and time: Mondays, 1.30-2pm AEST*Drop-in casually or join us for the entire six weeks!
These free online sessions integrate gentle, restorative movements, breath-work and stress relief practices. All welcome, no experience necessary. How to prepare?
Wear comfortable clothing, and have a yoga mat, towel or blanket handy. Try to be ready five minutes before class starts so that we can make the most of our time together. All sessions are shared over Zoom.
What to expect?
All sessions will be gentle, invitational and of a slower more restorative pace. You are welcome to have your screen on or off during the session. We look forward to stretching, resting and connecting.
Register here:
Support: For questions about the program please reach out to Jess:
For support using or setting up Zoom please reach out to Phoebe:
*If you can't make these sessions live we will send you a recording after the class to use in your own time.
To help parents and carers build family resilience in these difficult times, the Department is presenting a free webinar by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg on Tuesday 25 August.
Resilient families play a vital role in helping children feel safe through the uncertainty of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Event details
Dr Carr-Gregg’s webinar, Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era, gives families practical skills, knowledge and strategies for managing the lockdown period and remote learning.
Tuesday 25 August, 7.30pm
45-minute presentation followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session
online via Webex
Dear Parents and Carers,
On Tuesday 25 August, the Department of Education and Training is presenting a free webinar for parents and carers by renowned child psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, on building family resilience during coronavirus (COVID-19).
Parents and carers play a vital role in helping children feel safe through uncertain times.
Dr Carr-Gregg’s webinar is aptly named Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era.
In this webinar, Dr Carr-Gregg provides tools and strategies for parents and carers to help manage the lockdown and remote learning. Topics include:
- your supportive role
- setting the emotional tone
- focusing on what you can control
- how to deal with disappointment
- further resources and where to get help.
Dr Carr-Gregg’s presentation will run for 45 minutes. This will be followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer session in which parents and carers can ask Dr Carr-Gregg questions.
Webinar details
- When: Tuesday 25 August
- Time: 7:30pm
- Duration: 45-minute presentation followed by 15-minute questions and answers session
- Format: online via Webex
- Cost: free
How to register
To register and for more information visit the Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families in the coronavirus era eventbrite page.
Dear valued partner,
Re: Beirut crisis and Arabic Welfare support
Arabic Welfare writes to inform you of the support we are providing our community during these challenging times and due to the devastating incident in Beirut.
The recent tragedy in Beirut has had a profound effect on the Lebanese community and newly arrived refugees from Syria and Iraq who have strong ties with families in Lebanon. Community members have expressed their concerns and worry about family and friends overseas and the long-term impact on physical and mental health. This tragedy will affect many people in both countries and our hearts go out to all people impacted.
As a result of the devastation in Beirut, Arabic Welfare has allocated dedicated staff to help address the needs of the Lebanese, Syrian and Iraqi community. We are offering counselling, information and other support. Further information and updates can also be accessed via our new website.
We would greatly appreciate your assistance with connecting community members to us. If you are in contact with a community member who is finding it difficult to cope or just needs someone to talk to for information or support, please encourage them to call Arabic Welfare on 9380 9536 or to email us at set up an appointment with one of our bilingual staff.
We are grateful for the compassion and humanity from our partners, government departments, and other stakeholders, and look forward to continuing to collaborate with you for the benefit of the Victorian community.
Storytelling in Brunswick is a new project in which participants will design and make an online mini-production that will be entered into this year’s Melbourne Fringe Festival.
Starting on Monday 24th August at 2pm, participants will meet weekly via zoom to share ideas, show their work, and design the final piece. It will be built from the ground up, so anything is possible – the virtual world is our oyster!
We are looking for people with enthusiasm and commitment, prepared to have some good old fashioned theatrical fun and nonsense. No experience is necessary – this is for anyone interested in giving something new a go. From the comfort of your own home, work on your contribution, then join us for a weekly session on zoom to workshop ideas, check in on how everyone is travelling and develop the performance piece. The project will be facilitated by theatre maker and community development whizz, Nicola McKay, and run through Brunswick Neighbourhood House. The end result will be a multi-faceted video production reflecting the contributions by participants in the project. As a whole, it will be a fabulous document showing how strangers can come together, in isolation, to make something about community and the need to engage with ideas and each other.
If you are curious and would like to learn more or somehow contribute to this creative community project, attend the first session on Monday 24th August, 2pm – 3pm. Ring us on 9386 9418 and we will send you an invite via Zoom.