School Council President


Welcome to the first edition of our new newsletter!


We've been working hard to improve our online communication, firstly with the launch of our Facebook page, and now with our new and improved newsletter.


We're always looking for feedback on things we are doing well as well as things we could be doing better, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.

School Council meeting

On Tuesday evening we held our August School Council meeting.


Jake Laurie presented the Principal's Report on behalf of Sue Dyos.


We have now held four online information sessions for prospective families and are doing everything we can to reach out to these families given we are unable to provide tours or physically meet with them.


We also held our first online live storytime last week as part of our Transition to Foundation program. This was a huge success and we are holding our second one this afternoon. Please see the page in this newsletter for  photos of some of the children who attended and the dinosaurs they made during the session.


A big thanks to Ruby, Tate and Felicity for their positive and inspirational video stories. We love to hear from our students and the feedback on these videos has been very positive.


De Prior presented the monthly financial reports and purchasing statements which were approved by the Council.


The Education sub-committee presented policies on volunteers, visitors to school and yard duty supervision. Thanks to Amanda Callaway and Sarah Hodgson for their hard work on our school policies this year.


The Marketing and Communications sub-committee has been focused on how we can best communicate with our existing school community as well as prospective new families. Volkan Ozturk updated the Council on the school's Facebook page and Jimmy Harris explained the launch of the newsletter that you're reading now.


Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 27 October at 7pm.

Oval refurbishment

The first stage of our oval refurbishment project has been finished and we now have rock steps and seating on the western side of the oval.

We can now move on to the resurfacing of the oval which we plan to start as soon as lockdown restrictions are eased.  Our aim is to have the work completed by early term 4.


Jimmy Harris