A note from Mr Jackson

 RPSTV Assembly 


On Friday, all are encouraged to join us to celebrate our week of learning. We’ll be hearing a special message from our Junior School Councillors, sharing recent purchases of books from our Library Fund, updating the Race Around Australia, hearing about how to paint a pailing and much more. While our Student of the Week recipients will be celebrated, their certificates and ribbons will be sent through the post. Keep an eye on the letterbox. A reminder to encourage students to wear their house colours to contribute to their House tally!


Meeting link:https://eduvic.webex.com/eduvic/j.php?MTID=m23cb9561b5d0defa3a910e918b9e9918

Meeting number: 165 769 8318

Meeting password: FGmYsfPp572


Race Around Australia

Shhhh! While our State borders might have been closed down, we continue to do the remarkable at Rosanna Primary, by running around Australia. Congratulations to those who have contributed to the House kilometres this week. A regular exercise routine is a great way not only to contribute to our run around Australia, but also to stay healthy. Join us at the assembly to hear how far we have travelled this week. Thanks to Ms Zealley and Mrs Rosbrook for encouraging us along.


STEM Garden & Lower Playground Opening

Make sure you pencil in our opening of the STEM Garden, a chance to also say thanks for the contribution of so many to renew our lower playground. Kate Thwaites, our local Federal Member will be present along with other special guests. RPSTV will be broadcasting to the world from the STEM Garden into people’s homes on the internet. 


Make sure you are part of the celebrations over the coming weeks. We’re eager to have some fun decorating colourful pailings that celebrate mathematical or engineering thoughts. Students and parents are invited to paint a mathematical idea, a famous thinker or a simple number pattern. You can include your own ideas that will support an amazing fence in the Garden. It will leave your families creative mark on the school for years to come.  Parents are invited to pick up their own pailing to work on with their child. Send an email through to me or ring the office to arrange a pickup of your very own pailing.


Health and Wellbeing Starters

We are conscious that families are being stretched and experiencing a range of pressures. As we care for each other, a range of gentle tips and suggestions has been published to support children. 

Wellbeing activities and conversation starters for parents.



Supervision of Students onsite

Staff continue to ensure the learning of all students including those who have permission to learn onsite. Teaching teams have been allocated supervision of onsite students on the following days -


Monday – 45M, 56M, 56W

Tuesday – Specialists

Wednesday – 2/3A, 3/4F, 3/4T

Thursday – 12K, 12W, 12B, 12R

Friday – Prep N, Prep S, Prep K, Prep1Y


On these days of supervision, teachers will not be available to communicate with parents or students. Learning experiences will continue to be provided.


Learning Pack Distribution

Printed resources have been made available for students who are experiencing difficulty engaging with online learning. Packs are available from 9:00am - 10:00am and 3:40pm and 4:40pm each Monday. Parents will receive an email with further details and are asked to ensure the packs are picked up at these times.