Year Four News

The students in Rooms 10, 11, 12, and 27 have been learning about the importance of approaching all tasks with a growth mindset. Students in Rooms 10, 12, and 27 were shown a paper structure and were challenged to create the same model independently. However, they were given no instructions and were not allowed to touch it to see how it was made. It was quite a challenge!



Students in Room 11 have also worked on developing their growth mindsets with a paper folding activity that required perseverance, resilience, and a positive attitude. 



During these activities, we noted any phrases students said that were an example of a fixed mindset. Some examples were, “This is impossible!” and “I can’t do this!” 



We also noted phrases that were examples of a growth mindset. Some examples were, “I’m getting the hang of it!” and “I’m going to try a new way!” 



It was fantastic to see students displaying resilience and persistence, while also hearing them encouraging each other.