From the Principal Class Team

Deep cleaning of the school

We want to thank our cleaning company, Facilities First Australia, and their fabulous team, for the work they have done to ensure that our school is thoroughly cleaned and safe for use.

The attached photos show the extent of their work, and go a long way to enabling us to feel confident when we return onsite.



We are really pleased to welcome Lalith Buddadhasa to our Wellbeing Team as a student counsellor and Samantha Partridge to Individual Needs.


Lalith will be working with the Middle Sub School students, Coordinators and staff, and Samantha Partridge will be supporting students with online learning. We look forward to getting to know both of them and to working with them. 


To learn more about Lalith and Samantha, please see the New staff section of this newsletter. 


Years of Service

Each year, we recognise the contributions of our teaching and education support staff to St Albans Secondary College, and to Victorian Government School education, by acknowledging their years of service in school education. 


This year, the celebration was very different: it took place online, and there was no delicious morning tea to share. Nevertheless, it was a celebration.


Congratulations to the following staff who, through their individual and combined service, have influenced the lives of so many young people; they have inspired a love of learning; supported colleagues and families; and have contributed to St Albans Secondary College and other schools in so many ways..

StaffDET ServiceSASC Service
Mr Simon Lynch10 
Ms Fatima Azmitia10 
Ms Lauren Morrison1010
Ms Lucy Honan1010
Ms Wendy Mair1010
Mr Brendan McFarland1010
Ms Amanda-Jo Winkworth 10 
Mr Sean Ryan 10
Ms Jeka Kukulj1515
Ms Deborah Koutroubas1515
Mr Mark Mansfield2020
Ms Janet McKenzie2525
Ms Rosemary Sirianni2525
Ms Athan Theodorou3030
Mr Michael Bowden3535
Ms Athina Kratsis3530

Guide to Online Learning

Please click the link below to access all you need to know about how we are structuring our program of online learning for your child, how we are monitoring attendance and progress, the supports available for your child regarding their learning and wellbeing, and how you can contact us during online learning.



Year 11 and 12 Progress Reports

Progress reports for Year 11 and 12 VCE and VCAL students will be available on Compass from Friday next week, 14 August. Please go through these carefully with your child.


Year Level Coordinators will be in contact with families where there are concerns. If you have any questions please contact the Senior Sub School.


Year 12 GAT

Please note that the Year 12 GAT has been put back to Wednesday 7 October. Further details will be provided as they are released.