Meet Our Team 

Name: Jacinta Kemp

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Optimistic, Motivated, Coffee


What do you like most about your job?

The people – kids, staff and parents


Favourite Food:



What book are you currently reading?

'Your Own Kind of Girl' – Clare Bowditch

'Any Ordinary Day' – Leigh Sales 

'The Magic Faraway Tree' – Enid Blyton (with Hugo)


Best holiday spot:

Grindelwald, Switzerland.


Favourite childhood memory:

Riding my horse every weekend and continuously trying to convince my parents that I needed new horse rugs. 


Funny incident:

Falling off my horse every weekend and continuously trying to convince my parents that my horse was just a bit cheeky and that we would get better! 


Hobbies/ Interests/ Sport:

I love reading, cooking, hiking, riding, holidays with my family, quiet moments alone.


Best film:

It’s incredibly hard to choose! As a child I loved ‘The Lion King.’ 


Favourite television show:

Gavin and Stacey, House of Cards, Parks and Recreation, Veep, Bluey!