Junior School Report

Message from the Director of Learning - Ms Alice Paget
It is wonderful to have all the Years 7 and 8 students and teachers back again with on-site learning. I want to thank all our parents and guardians for the support you offered to keep students on track in the remote setting. The students have done an outstanding job with their smooth return to the classroom, getting back into the swing of their regular structure and routines. I would like to especially acknowledge the efforts of our Year 7 students, who not only faced the challenge of transition into secondary education this year, but also faced a big part of their first year of secondary college at home. They have demonstrated an excellent work ethic, ICT skills, resilience and adaptability throughout this year; well done Year 7s!
Wellbeing support has been a big priority upon return to onsite learning. All Years 7 and 8 students undertook 4 wellbeing workshops, which included, COVID-19 reflection, friendships and emotional regulation. Students had some time to reflect on the challenges they faced and overcame and also took away a few strategies they can implement when required to support their wellbeing.
I would like to thank our Junior School Coordinators, Rebecca Tomkins and Sean Fraser, on their dedication to their role as Year Level Coordinators this year. They have both been a fabulous support to our students in the Junior School, with all aspects of school life, both in the remote and on-site learning. I would like to welcome Mr Jarrod Johnstone in the Year 7 Coordinator role and Rebecca Tomkins into the Year 8 Coordinator role for 2021.
We are looking forward to welcoming and transitioning our new Year 7s into the College next year. We held our Welcome Night on Zoom last Tuesday, 17th November, and are looking forward to meeting the students on Orientation Day, on the 8th December.
Junior School Captains 2021
We are very excited to announce our Junior School Captain appointments for 2021:
Louise, Khaing, Aaron and Sarah went through a written application and interview process to be selected for the position. The leadership team will bring a wonderful range of skill sets and individual strengths to the position. All the students are ecstatic to be selected and are looking forward to bringing some great ideas to the junior school in 2021. Well done!
Ms Alice Paget
Director of Learning
Junior School Coordinator's Report
This year has been a roller coaster of emotions with us having to work online for a lot of the year. However, our students have absolutely smashed it and done an incredible job, keeping up with their learning in a strange new environment. During this time, everyone across Junior School has continued to uphold the school values by helping each other online, showing kindness, compassion and resilience. Students have received many awards throughout the year to showcase their commitment to the Westall Way and we hope they will continue to uphold these values in the years to come.
Ms Rebecca Tomkins and Mr Sean Fraser
Junior School Coordinators
2020 Chinese (non-background) Reading Competition of Victoria
On the 16th of October, Westall Secondary College had three students, who decided to undertake the 2020 Chinese (non-background) Reading Competition of Victoria.
These students demonstrated their excellent skills and confidence in the state competition, undertaking this in their own time and completing the competition remotely.
We would like to offer our congratulations to the following students:
Mearlea Seang (Year 7), who was presented with the Mendelian Award, for being one of the top 10 in the state.
Jolie Nnika So Thyna (Year 8), who was presented with the participation award.
Sothica Lim (Year 9), who was presented with the First Award, for achieving the top score in the state.
Congratulations to these students and their brilliant Chinese teacher, Ms Minnie Zeng!
Ms Rebecca Tomkins
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 Global Literacy
The Year 8 Global Literacy students got up close and personal with history as they constructed their own Moai (Easter Island Heads) for our study of Polynesian cultures this term. Moai represent the ancestors of those who make them, built to protect their descendants.
Included is a picture of a real Easter Island head for reference 😊
Ms Anna Papagiannopoulos
English & Humanities Teacher