Senior School Report

Message from the Director of Learning - Mr Jason Tickner
It gives me great pleasure to congratulate our Year 12 students on completion of their schooling, especially given the significant challenges in a year so interrupted by COVID-19. Our year 12 VCAL students finished off the term strongly, completing their final assessments within their programs. At this stage, we have all Year 12 VCAL students that will transition into an apprenticeship, employment or vocational pathway in 2021. This is a fantastic result for our VCAL students and recognition of their hard work across all areas of their VCAL program this year.
Our year 12 VCE students are right now in the middle of their VCAA external exam period. Equally, their dedication to their studies and adaptability to our ever-changing educational landscape of 2020 has placed themselves in a position to achieve success in their VCE this year. It is at this time that I would like to acknowledge our dedicated teachers and educational support staff across Senior School. Their care for our senior students and professional approach throughout 2020 has been instrumental in ensuring our senior students were supported academically and emotionally through this time.
Some of the highlights In this very busy term have been:
- Our VCAL students completing their final PDS projects under the constraints of COVID-19, where students identified the current pandemic as a social concern, planned and produced project to meet this social issue. The projects involved mask making, tree planting and the production and distribution of friendship packs.
- The success of our Unit 3/4 trial exams completed in Week 3 of this term to assist students prepare for their VCAA external exams. We saw close to 100% attendance for all exams.
- The success of the 2021 student leader selection process which saw our Year 11 students complete panel interviews and conduct speeches to the Senior School via Teams. Well done to Ms Vasilakis for leading this process.
- Continued participation and support of Breakfast Club which started up again in Term 4, following COVID-19 protocols.
- Senior students' energetic participation in Harmony Day celebrations, which saw many senior students come to school in cultural dress and lead an online Kahoot for those students in Years 8, 9 &10 that were still in remote learning.
- Finally, our Year 12 students participated positively in their farewell lunch at school. This was a special opportunity for our exiting Year 12 students, to thank and celebrate with staff on the completion of their secondary schooling and time at Westall.
Looking ahead, the final VCAA exam for our Year 12 students will occur on Tuesday 1st December. In addition, our Year 11 students are undertaking their Semester 2 exams, which will conclude on Thursday 26th November. This is a great opportunity for our Year 11 students to gain valuable exam experience leading into next year and test their learning that has occurred across their Unit 1/2 studies this year. In Week 8, our senior Headstart program will be the focus as we welcome the current Year 10 students into the Senior School.
On behalf of all senior school staff, I wish our Years 11 & 12 students continued success in their VCAA exams and applaud all senior VCAL & VCE students in their application to their studies this term.
Thank you.
Mr Jason Tickner
Director of Learning - Senior School
VCE Studio Arts and VCD Exhibition
Year 11 and 12 students have been busily completing their folios to conclude assessments for 2020. To celebrate their artistic achievements, we share with you the gallery of artworks. In Studio Arts and Visual Communication & Design, students explored design and art elements, conceptual possibilities to produce a studio process as well as a final body of work.
It has been an extraordinary year for these students! Creativity suffered at times, not having access to specific media and materials. Determination and commitment to design and produce led to great art and communication design.
I want to congratulate the Year 12 students and wish them every success in achieving their goals and dreams for the future.
Ms Helen Ifandis
Arts Coordinator
VCAL Product Design
In Product Design, VCAL students worked in collaborative teams to design, produce and evaluate a product according to a design brief. Students researched design movements to inspire and influence production factors. The gallery of images are based on the following products: 'Custom Shoes', 'Sound system', 'Wood Fire Oven' and 'Galaxy' inspired collection of clothing and accessories.
The students worked in groups to address and resolve a design issue. Due to the challenges of 2020, materials and space to produce work at home became an issue. Once back on site at school, students worked to the best of their ability in a very short time to complete their final products. What was impressive is that all members of the teams pulled through at the end!
Ms Helen Ifandis
Arts Coordinator