Years 4-5-6

We love learning! 

End of Term 2

First of all, a massive congratulations to our new members of SRC in 2020!

4-6G - Manuel

4-6K - Mateo

4-6L - Elanor


Through it all, we have come to an end of a very interesting term 2, where we have all learned so much about flexibility and resilience! 

Well done to everyone for working hard and adapting during remote learning and coming back with a very positive 'Ready to learn' attitude at school!                                                         Enjoy your well deserved holidays! Relax and unwind! See you all in Term 3! :)


On our return on Tuesday 14th of July, things will get back to normal (at least at this point) as we will start classes at 9:00 a.m. and finish them at 3:30 p.m. 


If you would like to do some work at home during the school break, make use of the platforms provided like Typingclub, Studyladder and Read Theory. We also encourage everyone to bring their devices everyday during Term 3.


Sharing our term 2 inquiry projects.

We are excited to announce that we have already started to wonder about our Inquiry topic for next term, "I wonder how past and present cultural practices and beliefs compare with my own". We have divided our Inquiry groups into continents. Have a look at what we are all wondering about all cultures! 


En Matemáticas we were creating and building Figuras 3D (3D Shapes) in collaborative groups! We filled these shapes with arroz (rice) and then with algodón (cotton). We compared el peso (the weight) of both and found out that arroz pesa more than algodón. 


In Literacy we have been focusing on reviewing and revising our work, using VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation). Please see the key that one of our students included below, thanks for that! This has been a vital part of our ongoing reflection and editing of our work and writing pieces.