Years 2-3

Get ready for a great Term 3.

Happy school holidays everyone! 

We hope you all enjoy the school break, well deserved! 

On our return on Tuesday 14th of July, things will get back to normal (at least at this point) as we will start classes at 9:00 a.m. and finish them at 3:30 p.m. 


If you would like to do some work at home during the school break, make use of the platforms provided like Typingclub, Studyladder, Bugclub and Razkids a-z. We also encourage everyone to bring their devices everyday during Term 3.


Please contact Jose if you have any trouble login in the platforms. 


This is the new timetable for Term 3:


Sustained writing: Students are learning to write for longer periods of time to develop writing stamina. They respond to different prompts including sizzling starts and pictures. Students will also practice their summarising skills and explore their creativity through free writing.  

Sustained reading: Students are learning to have stamina and read for longer periods of time. Lessons may have a writing component, or they could look for specific things in their reading. They may summarise or discuss the best part of the book to practice their comprehension. We have also began reading the chapter book "Gansta Granny" throughout the 2/3 cohort.

Spanish Inquiry: On Friday's, in conjunction with the 4/5/6 cohort, students from the 2/3 area will undertake lessons in Spanish based around our Inquiry topic. The lessons will be delivered by Karen, Laura, David and Jose, assisted by Cass, Isabelle and Sonya/Graeme. The aim is to increase the number of hours of Spanish through some hands on activities as well as begin preparing the students for transition. 

Creek visits: Each Fridays during session four, if weather permits, we will explore our surroundings. Merri Creek, Edgars Creek and school grounds. 

The project incorporates our four keystones:

  • Learner: The learning is based around the curriculum areas of Humanities and Science.
  • Collaborator: Learning through social experience.
  • Communicator: Students exploring and discussing local environment.
  • Inquirer: Students lead their learning generating new questions and wonderings from their experiences.

As this is a local excursion, no permission slips are required. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate in contacting your classroom teacher. 

School Representative Council

Last week students that wanted to be candidates to represent the school as a SRC member, prepared and deliver their speeches to their class explaining why they would be a good leader. Fantastic effort by all of them, great ideas and a good way to practice what it is like to speak in front of an audience. 


Oliver, Bodeen and Sam were elected.  

Adiós Term 2.

What a roller coaster of a Term for everyone. We take from this the capacity of the students to show responsibility for their learning, the resilience when facing difficult situations, how they completed tasks at school and online showing a great level of imagination and creativity, the curiosity shown in all of the subjects but specially in our Inquiry unit and the way they cared for one another and themselves when returning to school. 


We want to thank parents and carers again because we can just imagine how tricky it has been for all of you as well. 


Here is a video we did while in Online Learning in case you didn´t get to see it.  

A little trip down memory lane...

2017 Prep cohort. Now grade 3.
2017 Prep cohort. Now grade 3.