News from Nurse Jess
To our Yarrabah families,
This year is really shaping out to be a unique one isn’t it! Although life seems to be forever changing in the community I am proud of the staff at Yarrabah who are doing their best to ensure school remains a safe and happy place for our students.
I’m so impressed with the level of resilience the students have shown during these times especially with implementing temperature checks and face masks. Although wary to begin with it has very quickly become a part of their daily routine.
I’ve managed to visit a few of the classes to talk about face masks and temperature checking to help alleviate any anxiety surrounding these elements. The kids have enjoyed playing Nurse and taking each other’s temperatures. I also shared a fun story explaining who should be wearing masks in order to keep us all safe! I found it on the below site which has lots of other visual stories to help explain scenarios we are currently being exposed to in the community.
I wanted to reassure you that temperature checks are one aspect of the whole picture when assessing a person’s health so although student’s may not have a temperature if they are showing any signs of being unwell such as coughing, runny nose they will be sent home in order to help keep everyone at school healthy and safe.
Thank you to everyone that has kept their child home if they are unwell this is helping our school and the community so please continue to do this.
As of Thursday face masks are now required when you leave home therefore please ensure you wear a mask whilst on the school grounds at pick up/drop off. Although our older students are exempt from wearing a mask at school they are welcome to do so if they are able to tolerate it. Staff are also being encouraged to wear masks for as much of the school day as possible without interfering with their ability to properly teach and support the students.
I hope the situation begins to improve for us all and we’re back to enjoying the things we love very soon!