Classroom News & Student Awards

Senior Class

This week the seniors have started exploring the term 'origin'. They’ve been pondering, What does it mean? Why is it important? This has started lots of valuable and rich discussions with the students. To support their understanding of this term, they investigated the origin of their given name as well as their surname, we had a few laughs and discovered some surprising revelations. It was so great seeing how engaged the students were and the looks of surprise and joy on their faces. The seniors would love to hear about their family history, so please share your  knowledge about your family with your children. We’d love to hear about all the amazing ancestral stories and backgrounds that make up our senior class!

Junior Class

This week in the Junior Room we have had a lot of fun and laughter. The Juniors have been putting on posh British accents to voice the character Zelda in our big book ‘Feathers for Phoebe’. We have continued to learn more about each other and have adapted wonderfully to the few differences that this term has brought. The Juniors have also begun to look at creating sound effects in our Media Art unit through creating sounds that we have associated with words, phrases and action in our big books.

K'Lu Doh Soe
K'Lu Doh Soe

Reading Awards

This week we awarded certificates to Ben (25) and Gu Thay Paw (50).  Congratulations to these children on their excellent reading habits.  

Ben and Gu Thay Paw
Ben and Gu Thay Paw

Little Joey Award

This week's Little Joey award winner is Jody.

Our Little Joeys receive a certificate, a sticker and a voucher or goods donated by a local business. Jody's lunch order voucher was donated by Wimmera Bakery.  We are very grateful for the donations from our local businesses.

Student Profile ... Claire