International Student News



During remote learning #2, we are again holding weekly year level ‘Well-being-Wednesday’ meets with our international students to touch-base and discuss successes and challenges for the week. It is always great to see faces and hear voices during these weekly check-ins. 

We would like to acknowledge all of our international students undertaking VCE and the efforts they are making with their studies under remote learning circumstances.  Year 12 students are presently being supported with completing their applications for further studies (exciting times ahead!) and are reminded to also discuss their preferences and pathways with their families as part of the decision making process. 

Reports were recently made available and we hope that families have now had an opportunity to read them together to both celebrate results and discuss areas for improvement.  Students were reminded about the importance of setting personal and learning goals at this week’s Wednesday Meet in terms of effort, managing time and submitting all tasks for teacher feedback.

A number of international students have transitioned to mainstream classes this term with pleasing outcomes and are now starting to navigate between new classes and build relationships with their teachers and peers.  This is a big step to take, especially remotely, and I would like to thank all involved for their perseverance, resilience and positivity. 

Lastly, international students and their families/homestay providers are reminded of the importance of prioritising health and well-being: 

  • Diet (eat well)
  • Have regular Breaks from the screen (this includes phones)
  • Maintain Connections (family, friends & teachers)
  • Exercise daily
  • Sleep (8-10 hours for teenagers!)
  • Balance (find time to do something you enjoy, or something that helps you relax)


Take Care,


The International Support Team