Secondary School News

Secondary School News


Secondary School Principal's Report

While there have been many updates through Compass about the stages of Remote learning required in Metropolitan Schools we have attached the information provided by DET to support all parents who are grappling with the challenges of this significant change to schooling as we know it.

The DET information was distributed some time ago but it might be helpful for those now engaging with the whole process a second time.


Learning from home 

When you start to think about helping your child to learn from home, remember that no one expects you to be a subject matter expert or teacher. The most important thing you can do is to continue to provide comfort, support and encouragement to your child.

You can help your child to learn from home by working with their school and supporting your child as they undertake the activities provided.


How the school will support your child

Your child’s school will:

  • communicate with you and your child about teacher responsibilities and what you and your child need to do
  • communicate with you and provide learning activities for your child to do at home
  • use their normal communication tools such as their website, newsletters, emails and other online tools
  • provide technical support with devices, as needed.

Access to computer devices and internet

The Department partnered with Telstra to provide 1000 4G dongle devices with 4G internet access, and 4000 SIM cards that provide 4G internet access, for families who do not have access to the internet at home. These will be free of charge, and will be provided for the next six months.

Devices were distributed in the first two weeks of Term 2. (students who received these should still have them)

At Collingwood we have now received a further supply of laptops and internet access devices.

We also have our IT personnel providing an on site service on Mondays and Wednesdays if students are experiencing technical difficulties. Please ring the school and make an appointment to bring in a laptop if your child is having difficulty with access. You can also use the Department’s technical support team for a loaned device or internet connectivity by contacting 1800 080 082 (8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday).

You do not need to understand how to use tablets or laptops. Most children have been using them at school and are familiar with how to use them.

If you do not have internet access at home, for example, if you live in an area without 4G reception, talk to your school about how your child may receive materials that do not require online access. These can be mailed to your child, or you could collect them. Completed tasks can be returned in the same way. The materials are aligned to the Victorian Curriculum F-10.

Your child's responsibilities during remote learning

You should change these responsibilities according to the age, stage and individual needs of your child.

Your child's responsibilities include:

  • regularly monitoring digital platforms for announcements and feedback from their teachers
  • doing their best work by completing tasks with integrity and academic honesty
  • doing their best to meet timelines and due dates
  • communicating openly with their teachers and tell them if they have any concerns or issues
  • collaborating with and supporting their classmates
  • continuing to abide by their school's behaviour guidelines.

We thank all our families for their support and understanding during this time. Our students and teachers are all doing a remarkable job as they continue with the delivery and uptake of the programs developed for each Learning Area.

Our Wellbeing team members and our Learning Support staff are also making contact with students and families to see how things are progressing.

If you have any concerns please contact the relevant subject teacher in the first instance. If you have a wellbeing concern, your child/students’ Homegroup Teacher or Advisor may be the best point of contact.





What a Year! Once again we find ourselves working remotely. Not an ideal situation, but understandably a very necessary one. Our teachers have been working in a most exemplary fashion and I would like to commend all of them for their efforts in ensuring our students are engaged with their learning and that there is constant connection with their students. It has been really great to see the interesting lessons developed by the teachers to suit this remote learning format and to see the never ending efforts and attention they are showing each individual student as they navigate online learning while delivering their curriculums. I would like to reassure parents of the Years 7 to 9 students that teachers have purposely decreased the set amount of the curriculum during this period of time and are also trying to minimise any stress that students may be feeling

These are unprecedented times and we are all steering our way through this challenging period. I would also like to thank all the parents that have sent in such positive words of encouragement to teachers as they acknowledge that everyone is doing their best. Your positive support has been accepted with thanks and gratitude from the teachers and know that it is great that you all realise we are one community and striving to make this work. Your verbal support and positive commentary are appreciated, especially when teachers are contacting home regarding attendance and work output. 

To our students at home, we offer encouragement and commendation and want you to know that you are welcome to connect and communicate with your teachers if you need help, clarification or have any query regarding subject based work. We are all in this together and a positive outlook is the best way to deal with these unusual times. 

We are hoping that all will go well and that our staying at home will have the best possible outcomes. Looking forward to easier and happier times ahead. Once again, stay healthy, happy and safe.

Liria Stratus

Middle School Learning Community Leader





Our wonderful VetVcal Hospitality Year 11 class with their fabulous teacher Chef Judy. Spending a long day in the Vet kitchen as they complete their practical UOC: Produce Stocks, Sauces & Soups




PE Attire - Footwear


Dear Parents / Carers,


As you will be aware Collingwood College has made significant upgrades to our sporting facilities and front oval. These upgrades have now finished and are in full use by our students. If you have not yet seen the upgrades for yourself please contact the college to arrange a viewing.

Whilst these upgrades have been taking place we have reviewed our college’s PE Attire Policy to ensure it is current and up to date with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) requirements for the two new areas and to minimise any potential risk to students. Safety whilst performing physical activity is always an area that we constantly review. 

From the beginning of Term 2 2020, Tuesday 14th April 2020, all secondary students will be required to wear non marking ‘runners’ footwear to all PE lessons.  Please see the pictures attached for clarification of our ‘runners’ policy to ensure you are aware of what runners will be compliant footwear and what is NOT compliant footwear. Collingwood College also has a PE Sports polo shirt which is available to purchase from the front office. 

Also remember wearing any denim jeans/shorts, cargo pants/shorts, board shorts and long/tight skirts that restrict movement during any PE activity is still not acceptable.

Your child does not need to purchase expensive named brand footwear. All major superstores offer a compliant runner at a very reasonable cost. 

Thank you for your understanding with our new policy. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require any further information of what is or isn’t acceptable runners within the new Collingwood College PE Attire policy. 



These shoes with an X next to them do not provide enough arch support. They do not provide enough grip and support for changing directions on all types of surfaces.



James Agombar

Head of Physical Education and Sport

9417 6681