Kids Corner 

Some of the wonderful work being done at home

Grade 4 Ode's

Ode to Friends 

You are the best 

You are so kind 

You are always there for me 

You always make my day


Movies with popcorn 

Sleepovers staying up all night.

On bike rides until it gets dark

These are some of the things I love to do with you 


You are always the first person to make me laugh when I am sad

You push me to play better when I am on a team with you 

You will always bring out the best in me 

You encourage me to try new things 


COVID-19 has made me appreciate you more

I miss seeing you at school

I miss not being able to invite you over to my house

I just miss you SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad!!


By Eloise 4NB

What I could write an ode aboutAdjectives to describe it
MinecraftBlocky, creative, imaginative, survival
origamiIntricate, detailed, variety, crafty
guitarComplicated, fun, relaxed, difficult
curryTasty, soupy, delicious, warm
Video games Entertaining, focused, anticipation, engaging
TheoEnergetic, fun to be around, strong, smart
phoSoupy, noodles, warm, beef,
 bed                                                                                       Cool, comfy, soft, big 
burgersBeefy, warm in my mouth, juicy, filling

Hot dogs



Ode Brainstorming by Same 4VM

Satisfying, juicy, tasty, anticipation


Aiya 4VM
Aiya 4VM

Ode To Dad

You’re the best dad I could ever wish for. 

You’re as funny as a clown, 

Yet you snore like a growling bear. 

Every cuddle we have warms up my heart. 

Oh, how I adore you dad! 

Hudson 4VM


 Ode to meat pie

Meat pie what would I do without you ?

When I see you you make my heart sing 

You smell like me and taste like you

I bite and I am in heaven

I am on a rollercoaster

In my tummy you are like a star 

Shining brightly ,keeping me warm 

Oh dear friend what would I do without you

Sam C 4NB

Integrated Studies – History focus – Indigenous Australians

Jack 4VM
Jack 4VM
Hudson 4VM
Hudson 4VM

Writing – creating an ode and a Y Chart in response to a poem For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon

Sankara 4VM
Sankara 4VM

Maths work….Tangram challenge

Ashton 4VM
Chester 4VM
Ashton 4VM
Chester 4VM



Grade 1 Number Patterns!

The Grade One children were invited to create a counting pattern of their own and share this with their teacher. Some of the Grade Ones have made an outstanding effort. Well done Grade One children and keep up the great work!



Pia S is counting by 5’s. Well done Pia that must have taken a very long time!!
Charlie H 1TH counting by 7’s with the whole family involved!
Pia S is counting by 5’s. Well done Pia that must have taken a very long time!!
Charlie H 1TH counting by 7’s with the whole family involved!



Ben R 1JB with his many counting patterns!
Isla P 1JB with a very long Number pattern counting by 6’s!
Ben R 1JB with his many counting patterns!
Isla P 1JB with a very long Number pattern counting by 6’s!
Keziah 1SD counting pattern
Koa 1SD with a very long counting pattern.
Emmy 1SD counting pattern .
Keziah 1SD counting pattern
Koa 1SD with a very long counting pattern.
Emmy 1SD counting pattern .
Ava C has managed to count by 5’s for a very long time … well done Ava!
Well done Otto your counting pattern is very impressive. Otto from 1SD.
Sam 1SD with her counting pattern which is so long she had to get a chair to show it off, well done Sam!
Ava C has managed to count by 5’s for a very long time … well done Ava!
Well done Otto your counting pattern is very impressive. Otto from 1SD.
Sam 1SD with her counting pattern which is so long she had to get a chair to show it off, well done Sam!

Poems from Grade 2

Ashlee 2CD
Grace 2CD
Ashlee 2CD
Grace 2CD


Max 2CD
Ted 2CD
Max 2CD
Ted 2CD











All work reproduced with permission of parents.