Senior School 

Welcome Back to Senior School

Tuesday 31 January saw the return of all of the Year 12 VCE and VCAL students.  It was lovely to see a few of them in the new uniform and all ready to do well.  Whilst some were a little sleepy due to the alarm going off for the first time, it was great to hear the positive comments from teachers – especially that all students had read their English novels over the holidays.  We look forward to the great start continuing in 2017!


The following day saw the return of the Year 10 and Year 11 students; again, it was great to see all return enthusiastic and ready for their start in the Senior School. 


I was very excited to meet the Senior School students for the first time and have found them to be a great group.  I have only two expectations of the Senior School students – firstly, that they are present, mentally and physically, for each lesson and each day; secondly, that they try their best and strive to try their best.


Our Year 12s went off to Ormond College on Monday 6 February and Tuesday 7 February to experience life in a dorm.  The students received information about calculating an ATAR, setting Career-related goals, achieving high results in English, different work environments and expectations, as well as sustainability options within the work place.  I was very impressed with the students’ dedication and the further development in their approach and application to their Year 12 studies.  I look forward to working with the students further throughout 2017.


The Senior School team is here to help support our students to achieve their best.  Should parents or guardians have concerns about their young person’s behaviour, attitude, or welfare, they are encouraged to contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator or myself as soon as possible.  We are here to help!


Senior School Attendance Requirements

College Student Captains

My name is Tash Orfanidis. I’ve been at Scoresby since year seven and prior to that I attended Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School. I’m a very busy and active person; my past times include playing netball 3 times a week, Coaching Tennis for Hotshots Australia and holding a part time job! I’m a dog enthusiast, despite not having a dog (I’m working on it).


When I graduate I would like to go into a medical field, at this stage I’m considering Paramedicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy or a Nurse Practitioner. I’m very interested in all of these fields and it will be a very hard decision just choosing one!


 My goal for this year is to apply myself to the best of my ability in all my subjects; I would like to make the most of every opportunity and achieve my maximum potential.  I look forward to representing the college to the best of my ability and working with the student body to achieve great things in 2017.

Tash Orfanidis


My name is Frazer Spence and I have been attending Scoresby Secondary College since Year 7.

Before attending Scoresby Secondary College, I went to Knox Park Primary School and Orrvale Primary in Shepparton before that. I am dedicated to swimming and baking and my studies of course. I swim four times a week, starting at 5 am on Monday’s and Friday’s. I also work part-time and I am a surf life saver at Point Leo Surf Saving Club. Surf Life Saving is a relatively new addition to my repertoire but I find patrolling the beach and watching out for the safety of others really rewarding.


During my time at Scoresby I have been involved with many leadership opportunities, including a nine-week development at the School for Student Leadership, Knox council’s young leaders program and I have been on the Scoresby’s SRC  since starting in 2012. I have been very lucky to see and be a part of the vast development of our leadership team over the last few years. I am very envious to know that the team will keep developing once myself and our other school captains have left.


Once I’ve finished my schooling, I am hoping to study at Melbourne University, to complete a Bachelor of Design degree. I want to do my major in architecture and possibly a minor or double-major in property. I hope to spend a semester studying abroad, hopefully in France, Spain or Italy. Really, I wouldn’t mind anywhere in Europe.


I am looking forward to this year and I am looking forward to meeting the Year 7 students and other new students at the college. A goal I would like to achieve in 2017 as College Captain is to foster strong and beneficial relationships within the college community.


All the best to everyone this year!

Fraser Spence


I have been at Scoresby Secondary College since Year 7 and have enjoyed my time here. In 2017 I will be studying Maths Methods, English, French, Chemistry and Studio Arts. My interests are art and visual media and I hope to study them further after Year 12.


I have been involved with student leadership for many years and a highlight was having the opportunity to attend the VicSRC Congress on more than one occasion.


Being a College Vice Captain is important to me because I believe that students should have a voice and have an impact on their education.


The aspirations I have for 2017 are to be able to work with the student leaders and the college community to create as much progress with student voice in my final year as possible.

Christy Pritchard


Hello, my name is Mislav, and I’m very much looking forward to a successful Year 12, in the class of 2017.


Although my choice of subjects leaves me studying many hours per week, I look forward to fulfilling my role as student Vice Captain.


I would like to introduce myself to the Year 7 body with a little message, which is that all of us in Year 12 can relate to what you are probably experiencing right now, the fear that is structured class timetables, emphasis on homework and the realisation that you’re no longer the big kids in primary school that you were a year ago. I say this with experience. However, I believe that in high school that your individual education really starts, the subjects you get to choose, the learning foundations you develop are all aspects of high school, which I have enjoyed. Never fear asking your teachers for help, whenever you are uncertain, because the knowledge gained is very valuable for your personal education, which you can carry into the next year.


For the Year 12's 
their final year of schooling seems like a very daunting experience where the phrase “so close and yet so far” expresses it wonderfully. But we’ve all come so far to this point, and with so many fond memories that I can reminisce upon. I’m confident and hopeful that through hard study, and aiming for our best, that we can all pave the way for a successful, final year at Scoresby Secondary, and of schooling altogether.

Mislav Tosic


Ellen Sawyer

Head of Senior School