Junior School

Junior School 2017

Welcome back to all our staff and students, in particular, to the new students and families who have joined our Scoresby community, at each of the year levels, 7, 8 and 9.


Of course, a special welcome to the Year 7’s. It’s always exciting to welcome a new cohort of Year 7 students who have very quickly found their place at Scoresby Secondary College. The success of such a good start can also be attributed to the students having been involved with the school in 2016 when they attended Orientation Day and the Testing days.


The staggered start to the Year with just our Year 7 students starting on Day 1 has also allowed for a smooth transition and beginning to the year.


 It has certainly been a brilliant start to the year. I have been extremely impressed with the levels of engagement, work ethic and behaviour that all students have displayed, in just their first two weeks.


It will be a very busy term:

  • The Year 7 Camp
  • Sports at all levels
  • Visits to KIOSC – Knox Innovation Opportunity and Sustainability Centre
  • Year 7 Immunisation
  • Student Photos
  • Parent Information Nights
  • Upcoming Parent Teacher interviews

A reminder to Year 7 parents to return all documentation and payment, promptly, in preparation for our Year 7 Camp. The Year 7 Camp at Marysville over three days, Monday 27 February to Wednesday 1 March, will give Year 7 students the opportunity early in the year to establish some new friendships and to get to know their teachers. It is important that all students attend.


Any concerns or arrangements, in regards to school fees, payment for camp and so on can be discussed with our Business Manager – Mrs Vicky Kamfonas on 9765 4100.


Year 7 Parent Information night was also held this week on Tuesday 7 February  with the majority of parents attending. The BBQ was a great opportunity for parents and staff to get to know each other followed by an informal session where key information was shared with the Home Group teachers and other staff.


We are considering possibly a combined evening for Year 8 and 9 parents, with details to follow in the next two weeks.


Most students have quickly settled into school routines. For some though, this settling process may take a little longer. If there are any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Junior School Management team to discuss further on 9765 4100.


The JS Team is made up of:

Head of Junior School   

Mr Michael Alexis

Year 7 Level Coordinator  

Ms Emma Morris

Year 8 Level Coordinator  

Ms Emily Phibbs

Year 9 Level Coordinator  

Ms Casey Lawson

Welfare / School Chaplain

Mr Andy Phillips


I would like to commend you as parents on your efforts and commitment to ensuring that your children are attending school regularly and have everything in place from Day 1 to ensure success.


The basics for us are in place, with students in uniform, arriving to class on time, prepared for classes and engaged in their learning.


We look forward to meeting you all in the near future and for a successful year ahead.


Michael Alexis

Head of Junior School