Assistant Principal's Report

Start of the Year
Scoresby Secondary College staff commenced the school year with a very successful professional learning program held on Monday 30 January. On the day we also welcomed a number of new staff to the College. The theme of the program was improving student outcomes. Staff had the opportunity plan and develop curriculum and prepare for the up-coming year. Our Sub-School teams looked at how they can best support students throughout year, both in and out of the classroom; while our Head of Curriculum worked with teachers to ensure our curriculum continues to engage and challenge our student’s learning.
Our Year 7 and Year 12 students began their school year on the Tuesday, while our Year 8-11 students began on Wednesday. We also had a College Assembly where we came together as one for the first time for the year.
We have also begun our Parent Information Nights. This week we began with Year 7 and over the coming weeks there will be a Senior School (Years 10-12) Information Night Wednesday 22 February at 7pm.
All parents/guardians of students have access to the Compass Parent Portal ( Compass is an excellent and efficient way for parents to keep up to date with their son/daughter’s progress at school. Through the Parent Portal, you can:
• view up-to-date class and school attendance information;
• approve past or future absences (medical certificates will need to be provided to approve VCE/VCAL absences);
• book your Parent/Student/Teacher conferences; and
• access information regarding upcoming events and news.
Parents are reminded they should not share their Parent Portal password with their son/daughter. Students have their own access to Compass.
If you have had any difficulty accessing your Parent Portal account or using it, please contact IT Support on or Chris Knight on 9765 4100.
We are very proud to announce that Scoresby Secondary College has now attained eSmart Status! This is a wonderful achievement. To achieve this we as a school community have worked through a framework that is in place with the aim of improving cyber safety, increasing digital literacy and reducing cyber bullying across Australia. We have worked with students and teachers to develop curriculum and programs to enhance student learning of the digital world and their footprint within this space.
If you would like to know more about eSmart you can visit supported by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation.
We will continue to hold Assemblies throughout the year. These Assemblies will be approximately every second week. Students will need to at school before 8:35am on Assembly days. Students and parents are asked to check Compass for the schedule.
Term 1 schedule:
Monday 13/2 – College Assembly
Monday 27/2 – Year Level Assembly
Monday 13/3 – No Assembly – Labour Day
Monday 27/3 – College Assembly
There has been some changes to Homegroups in 2017. Students in Years 7-9 will continue to have Homegroup each morning. Homegroup begins at 8:45am each school day (except on Assembly days; where the day starts at 8:35am). Students in Year 10-12 will no-longer have homegroup. These students will be required to be at school prior to period one (8:50am). Students are encourage to stay up-to-date by checking Compass and their school email each day.
Chris Knight
Assistant Principal