53 Year Reunion

53 Years
On Saturday November 16 2015 past students from the years 1950 (Prep) – 1962 (Year 12) gathered once again at Kilbreda, a place that holds many happy memories for us. The focus of our gathering was the final celebration of the year of the 70th birthdays. It was an afternoon of continual conversation, laughter and, of course, trips down memory lane. A PowerPoint of photos from our years at Kilbreda, our lunches since the Centenary in 2004 and a time to remember Carmel Hubbard nee McCormick, Sue Prichard nee Putt, Kerry Eccles nee McErlain and Roz Mitchell nee Jennings who are no longer with us, were important features of the day.
Sandra Walker nee Rodriquez was able to join us travelling down from the Gold Coast. It was the first time Sandra has reconnected with Kilbreda since completing her secondary schooling. Perhaps this Newsletter may reach other former students from our group. It is always wonderful to reconnect with others.
It seems quite impossible that it is 53 years, longer for some, since we were at school together. The years fall away when we are together. The cutting of the Birthday Cake and singing Happy Birthday was a fun moment in the day.
We now look forward to our 2016 gathering in November.
Denise Leonard nee Morrissey denise127@optusnet.com.au