From our Chairperson


Welcome to the first iNewsletter of the Kilbreda College Past Pupils’ Network Committee. Following the centenary celebrations we produced a few issues of “Tower Talk”, but postage costs were excessive. Commencing this year, we are hopeful of producing two issues per year of “Tower Talk” as an iNewsletter. Our database includes many email addresses, but not all, therefore it would be helpful if you could forward this Newsletter to others whose email addresses you know and encourage them to update their details at Kilbreda by contacting

Ashleigh Patogiannis ( or

Denise Leonard (


We would love to hear what is happening in the lives of Kilbrda Past Pupils and would welcome any articles and photos that could be included in future issues of Tower Talk. The next edition is planned for November/December 2016. Articles can be emailed to Denise at the above email address.

An important part of the role of the Past Pupils’ Network Committee is to assist you to connect/reconnect with former students from your time at Kilbreda and with the Kilbreda community. We are able to assist you with planning and organising reunions. Each year a number of groups hold a reunion, particularly decade reunions. Some are held at Kilbreda, some include a visit to Kilbreda as part of their reunion. The committee is able to provide contacts for your year group, advertise your event on the Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Facebook page and the College website. If you would like to include Kilbreda in your celebration you can commence your visit with drinks and nibbles, tour areas of the school and enjoy a trip up the Tower.


Order forms for plaques for the Tower are available for anyone who wishes to have one placed in the Tower.


We look forward to receiving your enquiries and hosting reunions for you. Please contact Denise Leonard Committee Chairperson at or Peta Wragg at Kilbreda

Past Pupils’ Network Committee members:

Denise Leonard nee Morrissey Chairperson

Carolyn Callaghan

Maree Clark nee Norman

Angela Docherty

Suzanne Grima

Ashleigh Patogiannis nee Keyes

Damian Smith

Peta Wragg


Denise Leonard

Comittee Chairperson

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