

 Library Staff: Lynne Marks, Joanne Edwards, Wai-Peng Heath


Junior Library

Lunchtime Monday


Middle/ Senior Library:

During School:

Monday to Friday: Recess and Lunch

After School:

Most days until 4pm.




It is just great and educationally beneficial to keep your children reading over the holidays. Here are some simple ideas to keep-up-the-reading during the holidays.

  • Let children choose what to read - Book choice is part of the reading process.
  • Visit bookshops regularly - See what your child ‘goes for’. Maybe buy them a new book each week in the holidays . . . or you could visit the local library and reserve new books if you prefer.
  • Give books as gifts - Whether it’s the next book in a series your child is reading or you take your child to a bookshop to pick out some new books for Christmas.
  • Encourage children to swap books with friends
  • Make reading time regular
  • Make reading time fun time - This may sound obvious, but sometimes we can end up getting so serious about the task of reading and getting it right – especially if we are tired or stressed. Use funny voices, read under the covers with a torch, think about making it a bit ‘different’.
  • Make sure your child sees YOU reading for pleasure – this does not mean swiping on your phone/ipad to skim read – this means an actual book! Children copy our actions.
  • Have a ‘screen free night’ each week - Just like you limit screen time on the holidays for your children, have a screen free night for everyone. Having your children see you reading and talking about what you read adds value to this reading time.
  • Look up information online TOGETHER when you want to find out something.
  • Read a chapter book/novel together out loud - Take turns reading out loud by page or chapter & comment on what you’re reading.


You may think the above suggestions are for families with young children only but this is not the case. It may feel strange at first to ask your teen to choose a chapter book to read TOGETHER, but give it a go anyway . . . You may be surprised!


We would like to extend our thanks to all parents who have helped to shelve, cover or shelf sort books for the library this year. We are grateful for the time you spend with us and it really helps to make the library run smoothly.


Over the next few weeks why not take some trips to your local library?


Check with them to see if there is a summer reading program or competition. Many libraries now offer an e-book option also. Often this can be accessed from home. All you need is a library card.


Ask about children’s holiday activities too. Some of these are free and some have a nominal charge but usually the key is to BOOK EARLY as they fill up fast.


If you have never visited your local library then the school holidays are a great time to start!


The Library Staff