News From the Principal

Dear Families,

OSHC - Pupil Free Day

A reminder that Friday 8th December (Week 8) is a Pupil Free Day. 

In order for the service to be viable, we require a minimum of 15 children to be booked in on any given Pupil Free Day. Therefore, it is essential that we receive all bookings by Friday 1st December.

Please see the OSHC staff if you require care on this day.


Class Placements 2018

We are working on the assumption that we will have 22 classes next year, based on our current enrolments (580).

However, I need to point out that this could change as late as the first day back next year, based on new enrolments or students leaving the school.

Your child/rens class placement information will be sent home during the last week of term.


Parent Surveys

A random group of parents have been selected to complete our school survey.

The survey is very important to us and is used to continue to improve the school and learning outcomes for our students.

We would really appreciate your feedback if you have been selected.


Reception Transition Visits

Our new Receptions for 2018 had their first transition visit last week and have had their second visit yesterday.

I would like to welcome them and their families to Largs Bay School. In total, there are 72 children!!!

They will be in Rooms 3, 4, 5 & 5a for their transition visits as well as next year.

Special thanks must go to our Year 4/5 students who have taken on the role of mentoring the new reception children each. It has been wonderful to see the efforts that they have put in and the positive relationships that they have already formed.

This is what Largs Bay is all about – supporting and caring for each other.

There are 2 more visits this year.


End of Year Event

A reminder that our end of year event will take place on Thursday 7th December.

The theme this year is “Road Trip”.

The staff and students are putting a lot of work into the night and it would be great to see as many parents & families come along as possible. You will soon receive information asking for donations for classroom themed baskets that will become our raffle prizes. Last year, this was extremely successful due to your support and we look forward to another great selection of goods for the baskets.

Next week you will receive raffle books to pre-sell.


Facilities Update

  • Our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) facility is on track to be completed mid-December. This should allow enough time to order furniture so that the facility is ready to use at the beginning of 2018.
  • We have engaged a company to build a new Nature Play area in Yard B following plans created by some of our Year 5/6 students. This project will be commencing in the next few weeks and will be completed before the end of the term. The proposed plan is below.
  • Work has also commenced on bringing fibre optic cabling into the school which will provided extremely fast & efficient internet downloads and uploads. This work should be completed in the next few weeks.

In order to construct the new nature play area, we are moving the ugly cage outside the Administration block and installing new high wall split systems throughout the front office. We are expecting this work to commence next week.






