School News

Free Parent Seminar
31st May 7-8:30pm
Calm and Confident Kids - A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children manage worry, learn to calm themselves and to cope in tough times
Many children go through periods of time when they feel anxious, stressed, worried and sad. Sometimes this is because of a tough life experience – parents separating, family illness, grief and loss, bullying, struggles coping at school.
Sometimes there is nothing in particular which seems to be causing problems, but the child has a tendency to be a “worrier” or get sad and they are having a hard time coping with their own emotions.
Research tells us that what parents do makes a big difference to how well children get through these times. There are specific actions parents can take to help the child manage and resolve problems, to help build their resilience - and unfortunately there are also things parents accidentally do which make the situation worse.
This seminar covers the 12 most important steps parents can take to help worried, sad and stressed kids.
It is designed to be practical and give strategies that parents can immediately use with children in all situations. It includes advice on "what to say", what to NOT do, how to answer tricky questions and how to increase resilience and coping skills in children themselves.
Despite the serious topic, there is plenty of humour and fun in the seminar, videos, case examples - as well as time allowed for questions about tricky kids and tricky situations.
“The parents and staff of our schools found the ‘Worried and Sad Kids’ seminar to be very beneficial and insightful. The information was easy to understand, coupled with practical strategies which helped parents to feel more equipped in helping their families. I would highly recommend the seminars from Developing Minds Psychology as a fantastic resource”
— Holly Taylor, Chaplain, Braeview Primary School and Happy Valley Primary School
This seminar is approximately 75 -90 minutes in length and will be run by a psychologist.
Location- Largs Bay School hall
Health News R-4
This term in health we have been following the Resilience, Rights and Responsibility program. Its focus is to help students develop understanding of their emotions and how to deal with them in positive ways. It unpacks social situations and problem solving as well as working through making apologies to restore relationships. Through a variety of story, role play, games and written work we have been developing self-awareness in students and building resilience by equipping them with tools for self-regulation when dealing with emotions and everyday problems. As part of each health lesson we also take time to share our highs (positives) and lows (negatives) of our past week. This is a way for students to have a short time to share what is going on for them with the group in a safe and inclusive environment. It has been a wonderful first term in health!
In term 2 we will be working through the child protection curriculum. This has four focus areas which we will be looking at class:
- the right to be safe
- relationships
- recognising and reporting abuse
- protective strategies
It is a requirement for students in DECD schools to access this curriculum each year. An information letter will be sent home early next term with more details.
We will continue to share our highs and lows and create a safe classroom environment for students to share and learn about these important topics of personal safety.
I hope wish you all a safe and happy holiday.
Kind regards, Alice Foley