The English department’s renowned Literary Lunch took place in Education Week in May.  Winners, selected from Years 7-10 and the ALP classes, invited family and friends to our superb luncheon where we celebrated our winners’ writing. 


The following students; Piper Cincis (Year 7), Stuart Morrow (Year 7 ALP), Matt Wagner (Year 8), Jess Polhill (Year 8  ALP), Poppy Lowe (Year 9), Ash Pope (9 ALP), Mikayala Roy (Year 10) and Riley Quinliven (Year 10ALP) were presented with certificates and gift vouchers in recognition of their excellent work. Their stories were certainly engaging and many moving, as students amazed us with their creativity and maturity.


Students are also encouraged to participate in other upcoming writing competitions including the Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards and the Mental Health Creative Writing Competition.


Indeed, many students from all year levels have already sent in their fabulous poetry on a diverse range of subjects to the Dorothea Mackellar competition.  See Ms Voogt (Staff Room 8) or Ms Sayers (Staff Room 1) for further information.


Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards


  • http://www.dorothea.com.au/


Mental Health Creative Writing Competition



  • http://www.mentalhealthvic.org.au/index.php?id=31


As we are almost approaching the mid point of the year, VCE students have completed their final School Assessment Coursework (SACs) for Units 1 & 3 and last week completed their examinations.


We congratulate our students on the studious manner in which they have approached their major mid-year assessment, as the experience will hold them in good stead as they approach the final exam later this year.


Year 12 VCE students were fortunate to have guest speaker, Rod St George, a former security guard from Manus Island Detention Centre, come to speak with them in May. 


A whistle blower, Rod lost his employment as a guard because he could no longer witness the atrocities occurring in the detention centre and subsequently went to the media with his concerns. 


The information he relayed to the students will not only assist them with their assessments, but for some, opened their eyes to the many concerns refugees and asylum seekers suffer in their quest for freedom from persecution.



‘A Separation’ is the next text Year 12 students will study in their Encountering Conflict unit. Students will travel to Croydon Cinemas to see the Iranian award winning film on Thursday 18 June. 


A lecture following the film will inform them as to how they can use the ideas from the film in their writing.   It is therefore very important all students attend the excursion. 


The cost is $16 and can be paid on-line (from Compass) or at the School Office. Further details can be found under Events on Compass.




Mark Greenwood has been a favourite visiting author for many years here at Lilydale High School. He always entertains and educates our Year 7 students as he regales them with stories from Australian History and last Friday was no exception!  


Mark treated us again with his unique view on topics as diverse as Ned Kelly and the shipwreck of Batavia.  Students and teachers alike waxed lyrical about his presentation.  Indeed, each year his books are the most popular texts borrowed from the library for weeks following his visits!



Janine Sayers


Head of English