Monday 15 June

Semester 2 starts


Thursday 18 June

Year 12 Excursion - Film 'A Separation'


Friday 19 June

Correction Day - Student Free Day


Friday 26 June

VCE Awards Assembly-Period 2

Last day Term 2


Monday 13 July

Start of Term 3


All VCE students completed Unit 1 and 3 exams from Friday 5 June to Friday 12 June. 


Whilst these exams were not formal VCAA exams, they served as an essential way that students could assess their level of understanding of the 'Key Knowledge' taught in each of their subject areas. 


Although students were not required at school for formal classes when their exams were not running, it was fantastic to still see a lot of students preparing for their assessments, whether it was independently in our silent study room, or with a group in our warm classrooms.


On Wednesday 10 June, all VCE students who are completing a Unit 3 & 4 subject in 2015 completed the General Achievement Test (GAT). 


The VCE Coordination team received such positive feedback from both students and classroom teachers in response to our GAT preparation classes. It’s excellent when we see our students supporting their own learning. 


The VCE would like to congratulate our senior school students who successfully completed their Unit 1 and Unit 3 classes. 


The end of the semester has quickly approached and it’s time for students to begin Semester 2 and apply all of their knowledge and wisdom to these new areas. 


A reminder that Semester 2 is commencing Monday, June 15.   Please bring the necessary materials to class. 


Students should use this upcoming study break to organise folders, complete study break homework and clarify any areas of study that you are unsure of.


Here are a few little tips to start of Semester 2 on the right foot......



Make a schedule and establish a routine. Using your planner (or one of the snazzy Weekly Planner sheets from the VCE Office), write down due dates of all assignments, exams, papers and projects that are coming up. 


Then add non-class activities such as work or sporting commitments to get a realistic view of your priorities. Manage your time wisely.


Eliminate Distractions

It is easy to fall into usual temptations that pull you away from your school work.  Simple things as putting your phone on silent for an hour while studying, limiting the use of Facebook and other social networks and setting an alarm to remind you to stay on task can make all the difference. 

Don't neglect your health

Take the proper time to eat, sleep and exercise to maintain a healthy body and mind. The more positive you remain, the more effective and energetic you'll be. 


Connect with your teachers

Your teachers want to see their students succeed – that is why they are here.  Sit down and talk to your teacher about your standing in class and ways to improve your results.  Ask questions and discuss concerns.  Check Compass regularly. 



Go over course outline and study guides for exams. Know what material will be covered on exams and the best way to study for it. Review past exams taken earlier in the semester and ask questions about any unclear material. 


The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra.


A reminder that attendance at school and at all timetabled classes is compulsory. 


100% attendance is required unless for legitimate reasons – illness, hardship or accident; where students must provide written evidence to their Form Teacher immediately upon return to school.  


If a student has more than 3 unapproved absences or 10 approved absences in any study, they may receive N for that unit.


If late to school, students must sign the Late Book in the VCE Office to ensure their presence is recorded.


VCE Coordinators