Welcome to 2020!

A very successful start up was had by all during Week 1.  Congratulations to the Year 7 students who have settled in very well to secondary school and thank you, to parents/carers for your support at this time. 


The new uniform looks excellent and both Year 7 and 8 students are enjoying new and larger lockers.


The VCE and Middle School students have also settled into their studies. 


We are looking forward to another successful year for all.


Zoology Centre and Administration Building

Work is well underway of the new buildings due for completion at the end of 2020.


On Friday 7 February, we had a visit from the Minister for Education/Deputy Premier, James Merlino and Member for Eastern Victorian Region, Harriet Shing to chat with the student leaders, Year 7 students, reptile leaders and complete the traditional sod turn, to officially begin the building program.



Students have adapted well to the disruption around the yard and we look forward to seeing the progress over the next few months.


Goals for 2020

Our goals for this year are to; improve the educational outcome for all of our students, encourage independence and resilience and to maintain high expectations in relation to learning and behaviour.


To ensure that the best outcomes for all students are achieved, it is imperative that everyone is at school everyday. If there are any issues pertaining to attendance with your child, please don’t hesitate to contact the appropriate sub school.


Mobile Phones – Lockers

This year a ban on mobile phones in all government schools came into force on Day 1.


This has not changed anything for students who attend Lilydale High School, we have always banned phones being used during school time.


A reminder to all students, that phones must be locked in lockers until the end of the day. 

We have again reminded all students that they need a lock on their locker to keep their belongings secure.


If students need to contact parents during the day, they should attend the Sub School Offices (Junior, Middle and Senior) and not contact parents/carers from their phone.


When students have to chat with coordinators and teachers regarding any concerns, it builds confidence, resilience and independence.  The staff will be only too happy to assist where needed.   Thanks to everyone in advance.


Road Crossing

I again remind all students that they must use the pedestrian crossings whilst travelling to and from school.


I have had reports of students not using the pedestrian crossing, to cross the very busy Maroondah Hwy, on their way to and from the station.  The drivers are very frustrated and concerned that it is dangerous and that someone will be hurt.


Please assist by taking a few extra minutes to use the crossing. If parents/carers can encourage and enforce this with their child/children it would be also appreciated.

Year 7 students

We have reminded Year 7 students to check their Compass feed every morning, to ensure they know what clubs and sporting teams are available for sign up.


Currently on offer are;

  • Art Club
  • Reptile Club
  • Steamworks
  • Clay Club
  • Chicken Club  

We look forward to students getting involved in these opportunities.


Three Way Conferences

The first of our Three Way Conferences is coming up on, Tuesday March 10.


The aim of the sessions are to exchange information in relation to learning and to set some goals for individual subjects.


Online bookings will be available soon through Compass. 


We look forward to seeing all students and parents/carers attending on the day.


Wendy Powson
