Year 7 Start

Noah Honey 7.4

Start of Year 7 2019

There I was at the St Bede’s gates ready to start my first day at High School. I have been waiting for this moment for a couple years now and it’s finally here, so I am going to make the most of it. I continue walking past the music and drama building, past the library and stop at my line outside of the language centre building. I am greeted by my homeroom teacher, Mr Rejman and Mr Honan, the Year 7 coordinator.


I catch a glimpse of my parents gleaming at me in pride as Mr Honan speaks. After Mr Honan’s introduction we get sent off to our classes. Everyone goes straight to their homerooms, eager to learn. Mr Rejman sends us to our assigned seats, tells the class a bit about the school, shows us our 2019 school journal and hands out our locker locks. Next Mr Rejman shows us to our lockers and asks us to try to open them.


The pressure is on!!


After homeroom, we get thrown straight into our lessons. There is no easing into High school life!! 😊 My first real class at St Bede's is Indonesian with Mrs Carilillo. I thoroughly enjoyed this class as I have not studied Indonesian in primary school. Our following lessons for the remainder of the day, went by smoothly, time flies when you’re having fun. It was a different experience at St Bede's with the continuous moving of classrooms but everyone seemed to adapt to these changes quickly.

I was lucky enough to be given money to buy my very first lunch from the school canteen, something I have been looking forward to for many years because everyone talks about how great the canteen is!!


The start of Year 7 has been a great experience and everyone has made me feel welcome in my new school. So far, we have already had our swimming carnival and next week is already shaping up to be full of many new opportunities which I am willing to take.

Lucas Shaw 7.4

Wow! Only one whole week done and it already feels like home. I would now like to take the time to reflect on that awesome week…


The first feeling I had walking through the gates, was that this school is crazy BIG! Here I am a small school boy coming from a school where there were only 50 kids in grade 6, to this huge school with over 200+ kids in Year 7. Really the only way to explain that feeling is a small fish in the biggest lake of all time!


By time day two came along, it actually felt normal to be a part of St Bede’s. Everyone had settled in and had new friends. The challenge now was figuring out where everything was. St Bede's community made that really easy for us new year 7’s by having our teachers come collect us from our homeroom for the first lesson.


Things I am looking forward to for the rest of the year include: ACC hockey, Mary Poppins production (at Kilbreda), Athletics, and much, much more. All in all St Bede’s is very welcoming and very friendly to all new students no matter what grade level.

Deklan Tanner 7.4

On the first day of St Bede’s I was nervous and scared, but very excited at the same time. Some of the things I was nervous about was being late, not making friends, and also failing tests, but I didn’t let that stop me from having fun. So, I stood up to my nerves and spoke to people I had never spoken to before, and yes, I made friends.

A few days later I felt like I was one with the school, I fitted in just perfectly and before I even knew it, I had tons of friends. I was extremely happy. Here are my top three favourite subjects.

  • English-I was nervous about the teacher, but after I met her I liked her from the start. She helped me heaps, her name is Mrs Lee.
  • Science-The subject is so good and is fun, you are able to try experiment’s and other activity’s like measurement’s and more.
  • Sport-In sport we have done high jump, running and some sport games.

I am also looking forward to more activity’s and learning more at St Bede’s.