Curriculum Matters

Welcome to Term 2.

We have another busy term ahead of us, with a Musical, rescheduled Athletics Carnival, RYDA, Year 11 Community Day and plenty of sport. I would like to take the opportunity to thank, in advance, all the staff who have organised and attended these events, as it is your hard work that ensures our students get the best out of these opportunities. For those students involved, thank you for your time and dedication. Be sure to thank those staff involved and your parents/guardians for getting you to and from these events.



As the weather cools down, a reminder that the Uniform Shop has plenty of options to keep you warm. With our new hoodies, there is no need to wear a non-College hoodie. For Year 12 students, please make sure that, if you are wearing a hoodie under your jersey, it is a College one.


I have included our Uniform Schedule below. Please make sure you are wearing the correct uniform.

If you are experiencing any issues in obtaining a uniform, please contact your child’s House Coordinator. We are more than happy to help in whatever way we can.



Louisa Reynolds | Leader of Student Academic Care & Wellbeing

Personalised Planning & NCCD

Personalised planning meetings are a valuable opportunity for collaboration between students, teachers and families. We reflect on feedback and set goals for learning and wellbeing.


Check your email for the google form that has been sent to participating families. Please complete the form indicating what would be most helpful for your child.


If you have any questions, please contact me at the College on 6932 6100 or via email:


Michelle Shaw | Leader Of Inclusion