Lord God,
Lord God,
you raise up people from age to age
to speak anew Your Word to us
and to show us your ways.
Such is Nano Nagle.
In days when courage is needed,
you give us this woman of strength
to walk before us with conviction.
In days of great change you
present us with a prophet
whose faith is firm.
As the light of her lantern brought hope
into lives made wretched
by poverty and oppression,
so may she inspire us
to compassionate action
for those in need around us.
Creator God,
we thank you for the life and work of this gifted man, Blessed Edmund Rice.
He opened his heart generously to Christ present and appealing to him in the poor who
were oppressed by poverty and injustice.
May we follow his example of faith and generosity.
O God,
give us the courage and compassion of Blessed Edmund as we seek
to support one another, protect the vulnerable and
care for the earth, our common home.
We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
For Christians everywhere the events of Holy Week or Easter is the most significant time of the year. To remember and walk again those last days of Jesus' earthly life before his resurrection is a time for deep reflection and thanksgiving. The symbolism of the liturgies that make up Holy Week are simple and yet profound. Palms, Water, Bread, Wine and a Cross are the images that dominate our minds during this time. Several years ago at a Christmas liturgy I attended at a very poignant moment the crib that had an actual baby laying in it was suddenly lit up with light in the shape of a cross that overshadowed the crib. The point was made by the person leading the liturgy that without the Cross and Easter, Christmas and the message of Jesus loses its transformative power.
We finished Term One with a moving Easter Liturgy that brought together the main elements of the Easter Triduum. We listened to the Gospel of Holy Thursday and then 12 students had their feet washed by Mr Browne and Mrs Scutti. As Jesus told his disciples and now us “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (John 13:14-15). A group of Year 10 drama students then presented us with a dramatisation of the Stations of the Cross. The liturgy culminated in students venerating the cross by touching it as they left the Hall and went to the Easter break. Thanks to all those who were involved in this liturgy.
Also a thanks to all those students who contributed to the Project Compassion appeal for Caritas Australia. The funds raised will assist Caritas to change lives for people suffering in a variety of different regions. This term we have the Vinnies Winter Appeal and I would encourage students to support this with our various activities so that we can assist those in our own community of Wagga who are suffering. Vinnies have chosen a focus of older women experiencing homelessness. If you can support Vinnies in any way then please do so, whether that be with a monetary donation, food items, used clothing or even volunteering some of your time. It all helps to assist those in need.
We have also celebrated the feast of Blessed Edmund Rice the founder of Christian Brothers this term, as well as Nano Nagle the founder of the Presentation Sisters. Both Edmund and Nano set us an example of care for those less fortunate than ourselves and working with those on the margins. This term we will also be starting up masses for Year levels in the Mt Erin chapel. These are to be held every fortnight on a Wednesday at 2:30 pm. The first mass which will be with Year 7 students is going to be held on Wednesday 10th of May. Our College chaplain, Fr Sean Byrnes, will be celebrating these masses. Parents and visitors are welcome to attend the masses.
Kieran Udy | Director of Faith and Mission